You said that you wanted a picture of a smile, jimeka , here it is.
My Smile for the day!: You said that you... - My MSAA Community
My Smile for the day!

I'm smiling because it isn't a real snail eating through my garden. Cute, Morllyn !
The slugs don't bother the garden much WAshingtongirl but they sure do leave slime trails all over the front and back porches. We take washed out tuna cans and fill them with cheap beer, then leave them along the edges of the porches, next day they are filled with drowned slugs and snails. Apparently the smell of the beer, which is carbohydrates, brings them in.
Of course the little guy in the picture is to smart for that, that is why he is smiling.
I like your idea but my husband will argue about the beer, 😂
I've heard or read about the beer trap, Morllyn , but have never heard first-hand how it worked. Thanks! We have huge banana slugs here. Rarely see a snail. I buy 'Sluggo' by the gallon.
We used to use the store bought stuff but we stopped when we saw how dangerous it is to other animals. We have neighbors with dogs and we did not want to chance hurting them. They run over, with their owners sometimes, when we are sitting out back and I became afraid that they might get to it before we could stop them. The beer is cheaper anyway.😆
Morilyn, it's Fancy1959. Would an absolutely adorable and handsome smile you have. Funny though I would have pictured your smile with big dimples on cheeks! Haha!
My dimples went away as I got older.😄😉❤️
Well Morilyn your big baby dimples were probably a result from your little fat baby cheeks. As you got older your face probably leaned out and the dimples disappeared. Makes perfect sense to me! Haha! Fancy1959.