I was taking my pills yesterday and dropped one. My husband thought he saw one of our doggies eat it. We looked all over for it and just couldn't find it. We called the vet who said it could kill him and to bring him right in. Good old numb fingers that I have! So we scooped up the little guy, rushed to the vet where they gave him charcoal. He vomited, but no pill. They said to take him home and watch. The poor little guy was totally bewildered like what did I do to deserve this. We dished out $184. We walked in the house and sitting ing the middle of the kitchen floor was the missing pill! I swear I have got to get my fingers and eyes fixed, anyone have extra sets for sale?
Another crazy Kelly adventure: I was... - My MSAA Community
Another crazy Kelly adventure

Kelly, what are we going to do with you. I am glad your little pooch is ok. An expensive day but these things happen, and with ms something similar may happen again. Put it all down to experience and move on, no harm done. Keep smiling and just thank God you are all ok. To cheer you up, I have just heard at 9.06 pm uk time I became a grandma again, to a healthy little boy, 7lb 5oz, so I now have 3 grandsons, but they all bring their own love with them, praise God, blessings Jimeka
Congratulations jimeka! I'm happy for you!
jimeka what great news! Congratulations Grandma π
Oh Jimeka congratulations! Fancy!
Congratulations! What do your grandchildren call you? My English friend called her grandmother Mom Mom. After our daughter learned to say mom mom mom mom, over and over, my mother changed her name from Grandmom to Mom Mom too.
Congratulations!!! What wonderful news, thanks for sharing!
Congrats on baby jimeka do they live close enough that you get to see him soon? Some of my grandkids call me nanna, others call me K-K.
Yes, only 8 miles up the road. We are hopefully going to see him today, God willing they only came home from the hospital late last night. They called him William Frederick, after both their grandads that have passed away. I went shopping yesterday the boys clothes were so boring I walked out of one shop with a butterfly jumper for my great niece, just to make me feel better, so I haven't told my husband yet but I have arranged to have a case international tractor, collectors item delivered to their house. Every boy should have a tractor.! lol blessings Jimeka
I'll swap one good eye and hand for a fistful of marbles. π
Happy to hear your pup is okay, Amore55 . Sorry you had to fork out the $, but better safe than sorry.
And I promise, the eye and hand are good...my eyes watched the kitchen faucet, waiting for the water to come out as my hand pumped the soap dispenser. Guess you need a few good marbles to coordinate a thorough and properly functioning hand-washing. π
Jimeka, I am so happy for you and your family! What is your little guy's name? It sounds like he is the perfect size. Oh, I am so excited for you, grand babies are the best! Congrats to your daughter and her husband. Lots of love, Kelly xx
Tutu, I will gladly take that good eye and hand for a whole bunch of marbles! Thank you kind friend. Greatly appreciated. Are you still feeling good? I keep you in my prayers each day. Love, Kelly xx
Hey Amore55, it's Fancy1959. Those of us who have indoor pets understand exactly what you went through. It drives me nuts when I drop a pill andj my dogs are close by! Slowly but surely I've got my dog that stays inside all the time with me train to the command off or no and she leave anything I'm trying to pick up alone. She weighs a whopping 12 pounds so could you imagine what one of my restless leg pills or pills attract less often so I don't have spasms would do to her. Scares me to death I usually pray that I'm there quicker than she is and so far it's been okay. Kelly one thing I've started to do that really helped as I have a small clear cups that I keep in with my pills and anytime that I am to take pills I don't know them up in my hand instead I put them in this cup. My hands are still just to unreliable between their shakiness and lack of control they would sometimes lined up god-knows-where if I tried to take him with my hand. The cup has worked really well. Sorry about the upsetness and sorry about having to put out the money I'm sure you had better things to do with but at least the dog was okay. I bet you anything that the pill was someplace kind of out of sight and when you came back in right before you left you kicked it and it was up in the middle of the floor from some hidden location! I hope everything else is going well. I was very glad to hear your concern was about your dog and not about your pain level. It was even more joyous when everything turned out okay!!!
Fancy, how are you feeling? I know this winter has been tough on you and I am so sorry. I hope you are doing well. I pray for you everyday. Thanks for the info on the cup. I will try it, it sounds great. Let me know how you are doing. With love, Kelly xx
Hello Amore55, this is Fancy 1959. Kelly I thought I'd check in to see how you were doing. I hope your pain level is manageable and you are taking it easy so it stays that way I've been thinking about you over the weekend worrying about you. Hope everything is going well. Give me a call at your convenience. I've been staying boxed up in the house away from the severe cold spell we're having so I'm doing pretty good. I go to the neurologist again on the 24th and I cannot wait to see him. I want to push the possibility of looking at alternate Therapies since the one I'm on doesn't seem to be doing very much anymore. Again at your convenience just give me a shout. Fancy
Fancy, I wrote to you earlier, but I think it went to someone else. I am hoping you are feeling better. Has it warmed up there at all? I worry about you and keep you in my prayers always. I am so glad you have a neuro appointment soon. Hopefully they will find the right med for you. I would love to exchange phone numbers. I could give you my personal email if you want and we could do it that way. Do you have free long distance? If you are not comfortable with it, I understand, I just would love to be able to talk to you. Sending love and prayers, Kelly xx
Fancy, hi sweetie,how are you? Sorry it's so late. How are you feeling? Are you still stuck indoors with the cold weather? I sure hope you get a warm spell soon. We have been lucky. We had about 18 inches of snow, but for the past week it has been in the forties and it all melted! Yeah! I will try to send it your way. Meanwhile bundle up and baby yourself. My pain has been terrible, but my new neuro got my referral, so in about two weeks they said they will call to schedule an appointment, cannot wait. I hope you are dreaming pain free dreams. Keeping you in my prayers. Thank you for all you have done for me, I hope I can do the same for you. Love, Kelly xx
What a great idea with the cup Fancy. I think I will start doing the same!
I keep finding pills that I didn't know that I had dropped. Sadly, no sweet dog to worry about here anymore. Maybe you could open your pills over the sink.
Iona, thank you, that is a great idea. How are you feeling? I hope your symptoms are behaving themselves! With love, Kelly xx
Hi Kelly, got to to thinking about it, and if the sink is wet, your pill will disolve. But, better than paying the $185 for a "sick" dog.
I'm the same, doing my 15 minutes at a time for visual things, or anything that requires me to bend my head down.
On the bright side, I got a fitbit for Christmas and walked 8800 steps today!
Iona, that is fantastic! I am totally impressed. Keep up the good walking! Keep me informed how you do with your steps, I will be cheering you on. Love, Kelly xx
Just figured out that it only counts my steps when I swing my arm.
Iona, I guess you will just be the lady swinging her arms everywhere she goesπ! Kelly
You should have seen me in the grocery store tonight. We only needed a few things and I made my husband push the cart while I walked up and down every aisle swinging my arms. I think I need to contact the fitbit tech support.
Iona, my husband has a Fitbit and he said he has the same problem. He said at his office he runs aroundswinging his arms. His employees laugh as he does it! But he is a good sport and wants to get those steps in. Kelly xx
Lois, thank you, I am sure glad too. How are you feeling? I hope you are well. With love, Kelly xx
Thank you Lois
Oh, darlin'... I know your fear!!! Only I live alone with 3 pupz and MonSter body paired with macular degeneration eyes... I ALWAYS act like a crazy womyn to keep the pupz out of the kitchen until I find the pill; sometimes I DON'T find it! Like your experience, I always find it eventually except I can't afford the vet and must wait it out... All I can do is faith not fear!
Have fought the MonSter for 30 years and find pill packs help. Take pills morning, noon, and night so have 3 packs so just open the box for time and down the hatch the pills go. I've gotten really good at taking multiple pills regardless of size all at once. The morning pack has the most pills, but I don't think about it and down the hatch they go. I've learned to set-up the packs in the morning when everything works the best and am extra careful not to drop the Sunday thru Saturday packs (though it has happened once or twice--talk about worrying about finding pills... grin).
Better living through chemistry! At least my shot is only 3x per week (Copaxone) though that had been daily, too. I just practice gratitude is the best attitude--how BLESSED I am to live now instead of at a time when medicine was not as advanced... Blessed be!!!
I got a mug for Christmas that says " I took all my pills and it's still not enough!". My husband was being real cute, huh? Hope you are doing well. Love, Kelly xx
I have done that! My dog ate one of my prozacs. I didnt know i had dropped it until we found the chewed up pill.
My dog spent the day at the vet and all they said was she seemed very happy π
You sweet thing! I would have done the same thing if I thought my dog had eaten a pill. However, I would bet any of my pills would not really affect our 150lbs Newf. π
Amore55 Happens to all of us. I only get angry when its my pain meds, My Dr. counts them every month and does not take excuses.
@Amore55 do you really think if I had eyes to fund the dropped pil, the misplaced glasses, my medicine, my doctor's reports, my coffee cup and be able to read over 30 minutes before needing xiddra or systane drops, and still not be able to follow the plot or understand the latestt detective movie. I would sale the??LMHO!! Only if I had 4 pair because I keep losing the pair I have! All I can say, I have made some expensive mistakes in the last 5 years, and I am beginning to laugh at all the situations we get ourselves into every day!m