My main problem every day is constant light headed/dizzyness. At the bottom of my neck seems to be where it is coming from. If anyone has similar, can you say what you to for relief? Heating pad, ice, ointment for some relief? No pain at all. Thanks.
Cervical Myelopathy treatments? - Cervical Myelopathy
Cervical Myelopathy treatments?

Hello there. I do suffer from this also, but it just comes and goes on it's own and there doesn't seem to be much that helps that I could find. My dizzy spells only happen when I am sitting. I have almost fallen over from the severe lightheadedness I get sometimes and usually hold on to something until it passes (usually no more than 10-15 seconds). You may want to check out some Facebook support groups where you can receive a lot more input. I've found them to be very helpful. Here are some I can recommend:
cervical myelopathy support group acdf spine joint and muscle conditions
Spinal Stenosis Sufferers United
Cervical Stenosis and degenerative disc disease
You can also do a Facebook search on your own in the search bar depending on your condition(s) to find different support groups.
Best wishes,
Sorry I'm late to answer. Here is a really great site to get feedback and chat to others with same symptoms I also have a blog about my personal experience with Hope that perhaps by the time you ready this your symptoms have improved. Take care.