I'm a 21 year old girl that's had psoriasis for as long as I can remember. Psoriasis is a dehabilitating skin condition for anyone and like any young girl psoriasis has joined the list of body issues I already have. There have been so many times that I've felt totally defeated by psoriasis and at a loss for what to do. Right now my symptoms are the worst they have ever been but I'm determined to not let this condition get the better of me.
I don’t actually know anyone else who has psoriasis, and this affects my ability to talk about it with someone, or in fact anyone who understands how it can make someone feel. There's loads of sites and information on the internet but I felt I haven't found many sites written by people my age that I can really relate to and that focus on sharing treatments and remedies that actually work...rather than "psoriasis miracle cure" sites that just try to sell random cremes! With this in mind and with some coercion from my older sister I decided to start my own blog.
I know how lonely it can feel to not have anyone to talk to about psoriasis and would love to start something where I can interact with other people in the same boat and share information and advice. I don't know if someone has already done this but it can't hurt to give it a go! I've decided to end the years of procrastinating and start actively testing products and reporting on them rather than just hoping it will go away!
If anyone has any advice or tips I'd love to hear them...or alternatively check out my new blog livingwithpsoriasisblog.blo... - please bare with me I'm new to blogging and have only just set this up today!!!!
Thanks for reading xxx