hey!!!!!: any y'all get told by a doc that you have... - MY SKIN


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FeliciaMarie profile image
18 Replies

any y'all get told by a doc that you have thyroid issues or low vitamin D???????????? Trying to figure out what we all have in common. Ruled out Dope!!! now there is MRSA Which is staph and then theres Candidiasis I need more info from you guys !!! Thanks 😚 So again my question is any y'all's get told by DOC THAT YOU HAD LOW VITAMIN D???? ALSO THYROID ISSUES???????? HMMM???

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FeliciaMarie profile image
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SaltyCoon profile image

so I live in mninnesota- meaning we are all low on vitamin D here - so there‘s that. My dr has tested my thyroid many times because all the women in my family on my mom‘s side has had hypothyroidism, however my numbers have been at opposite ends every time Ive tested, ( but stilll in the normal range , but on the high end or extremely low end of it, which i think could mean my thyroid is having trouble regulating itself if im not mistaken) I have had Mrsa since I was 5. they now say its a life long thing once u got it , u got it .it will just lie dormant waiting for the next outbreak🫠.i used to go fast . Dont really even drink , maybe once in a while. Wont go out anywhere if i dont have to, too embarrassed of my skin😶‍🌫️. I am non menthal smoker. (Camels to be specific) as a kid i had strep throat a lot partially do to the fact that i am methacillin resistant, and they give u a shot of penicillin for strep throat, which wont work on me because it is part of the methacillin family. So i think i never got rid of the strep until later when i was put on antibiotics for a sinus infection that turned out to be a mass tumor formed by nasal polyps- yay! Hope this info helps! Im thinking this is headed in a much needed direction😁😎

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to SaltyCoon

antibiotics was the start of all this for me. Doctor gave me antibiotics for a pimple 🙄 I took them cause I trusted the doctor but he didn't even have a diagnosis yet the results. I think doctors should not be allowed to hand out those kind of meds without a proper diagnosis or at least till they get the test results back. I had that happen probably 10 times doctors handed me antibiotics for no reason then I contracted thrush which they didn't detect till it almost killed me. had the shot in my ears nose and throat. I wonder if everyone here has an immunity issue. Sometimes I think theres something in the air like mold spores embedding into our skin. I got mad in the past cause noone knows what the hell it is which dont surprise me if they cant even pick up on a yeast infection (thrush) feed me antibiotics makin the thrush worse then how they going to know what this is. but anyway I got mad in the past and would always say I got mushrooms growing out of my skin wtf is this !! It seemed similar to a mushroom or slime mold yeah know. I read about biofilm and how bacteria and fungi are resistant to treatment because of the biofilm they produce they use our cells that we naturally produce like collagen and karetin to form a capsule to basically have a party and coexist with bacteria. Typically fungi and bacteria do not coexist that actually antibiotics was created using fungi and the man who invented antibiotics got this idea from testing the ground around a mushroom patch under a tree and found no bacteria around. You can research antibiotics and when it was created and how. So these biofilms they construct they found that bacteria and fungi coexist inside the biofilm like on big happy family its strange. I'm fasting as of now I figure if I can't get help from doctors I will starve this shit out of my body. Im hoping anyway. Im already starting to get some energy back its been 2 days of nothing but water. It hurts really bad and I caught myself sleep walking to the kitchen I woke up standing at the fridge so I told my boys to put a lock on the thing cause obviously this shit inside me is so powerful that it meeds food to survive literally controlling me in my sleep fuckin creepy..... I noticed when I ate something especially anything with sugar I would have to get my walkin stick out cause I literally couldnt walk without PAIN like alot of pain. Since I've been starving these two days so far I can walk with ease almost run. The did find that I have hyperthyroidism with hashimotos which is odd because I gained weight pryer to finding this out. gained it really fast too. I just wonder if the candidaisis is what caused my weight gain and also caused my thyroid hyperthyroidism issues. what no doctor can tell me is why if i have hyper thyroid why did I gain instrad of loose with hyper you loose weight with hypo you gain makes no since unless theres an underlying cause for the hyperthyroidism like candida and candidiasis must be hard to detect I reckon unlesss you have literally a white thick patch on ur tongue and throat! I was feeling sick and my throat was so raw I couldn't eat or hardly drink and I was pregnant at the time which worried me. but they kept testing me for strep and it was negative so they threw antibiotics at me to get me out there office never once did they test me for candida !!! It was a hell of a time and I went to 10 different hospitals. went thru 17 months or more with this yeast before they come up with diagnosis of candida !! thats incredible!! Sad they wait till your near death to help you out!!! They'll help a drug addict before theyll help a pregnant woman!!!!! I know this for a fact!!! my guess is they make alot of money from people addicted to the drugs they dish out!!!! those methodone and Suboxone clinics big cash cow !!! and I warn people about taking that shit cause they didnt really test the long term effects of Suboxone on anything so basically the people who are on soboxene are ginny pigs they are the test!!! I'm no fool and I refuse to take they're drugs. Mind over matter. Smoke some weed people dont take those chemicals my sister was takin soboxene lotta good it didnt do cause shes back to meth again so what the fuck lol🙄 those clinics advertise these drugs to get off drugs lol whata joke 🤣 just substatuting drug for another that you know nothin about am I right. I dont take nothing but ibuprofen for a migraine I get those to often but its simmered down as long as I keep my nasal passages clear. which is difficult cause my nose constantly gets this sticking film till it clogs my passages creating a what I call a fungus ball it can get big and hard and impossible to blow my nose it sticky so I have to go after it with tweezers aggravating asf!!!!!! but if i don't get it out I get massive migraines!! Something happened to me cause im nota hypercondract, I used to be 100%healthy 12 years ago then I had my first child in 2011 and started this whole thing my kids have never seen the real me just the sick version and its fucking tragic and I have exhausted myself and wallet going to doctor after doctor the mrsa i was hospitalized when I got a MESH put in me for hernia repair twice. the second hernia repair put me in the hospital for 3 weeks it got infected and I got deadly fever , cellulitis, almost dead when they took me in fever was to high wouldnt break worst headache i ever experienced with that fever emergency surgery they left the mesh in 🤨 but removed all the dead flesh sick asf shoving all that cotton in me afterwards everyday had to repack my wounds it was like hamster tunnels thru my mid section were the had to remove the dead flesh from the mrsa . they should call it flesh eating bacteria cause thats what it was.... they gave my intravenous antibiotics that even that didnt seem to help. It took care of it spreading further thru my mid section and i kept it clean and repacked it everyday with 10pounds of goz he said he was gonna take the mesh out but to my surprise i wike up in hospital and he said he left it in that it was to delicate of a procedure that the mesh was basically embedded into flesh and was part of me now he told me if the infection comes back then he'll go head and take it out. happened again i was 5 minutes late for the surgery hed already post poned on me twice but by god im fice minutes late and he canceled me and then i get a letter to find another doctor and not to choose a doctor thats affiliated with them which if thats the case id have to go to Columbus or something which is a four hour drive !!! i tried Parkersburg but they wouldn't take me cause they are affiliated with Marietta memorial!! hows that you ask Marietta is ohio Parkersburg is West Virginia

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to SaltyCoon

sorry I have noone to talk to haven't had any human contact for 8 months so far other then doctor appointments and my ,2 boys ... I wrote interally to much apologizes for that. The result of keeping shit bottled up. Thanks for listening. ANYONE HERE EVER HAD A MESH IMPLANT????

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to SaltyCoon

wonder if these slimy white plugs aren't result of antibiotics abuse whether you took them in the past or not just caused breakdown of your defense against everything!! I want a diagnosis its hard to get help its like a coin toss you arent always broke out right so your appointment has to come on a day you are they don't care either way they get paid. I got one emergency room doc to pull one out and hold it in her hand she didn't know wtf it was not even an educated guess!! 😂 that makes me feel real comforted! she referred me to a dermatologist which long story short didnt work out but least I got to show someone!!! besides pictures or my dad or my ex when you don't het answers it dont matter wtf you show your family they automatically think your nuts they can see it clearly its something bad but ignore everything just because you aint found a doctor to give you a diagnosis!!! So I day FUCK THEM !! ID BE THERE FOR MY LIVED ONES IF THEY WERE SICK i love them but fuckin go to hell exactly what i say when im all better cause i hangin on to hope dear life.. have a good day oh btw do you live in a moldy place? damp place cause hell I gutted my place literally cause i thought mold was the culprit!! got pictures of before and after to proove it . went crazy wanted answers wanted myself back and to be happy with my children and scared to death theyd get sick like me they had avductor diagnos both my kids with heyfever weird part about that is it was winter time snow on the ground !! heyfever?!!?! 🤨 the pharmacist is the one who actually said to me thats weird id look into that if i was you heyfever in winter ?? so I did ! started to find hidden black mold everywhere!!!!! then cps took my kids from me cause my dad run his mouth said we were sleeping on mattress on the floor my place was getting tore apart !!! fucked up ,!! hecwas jealous that i got 12,000 from a c8 settlement case USING it to rebuil my house they ambushed me i tested dirty for pot and my house didnt look good BUT WE WERE REBUILDING THE MFER WHAT THEY EXPECT!! PAST IS PAST HOPEFULLY CARMA GOD FATE WHATEVER YOU WANNA LABEL IT FINDS THOSE WHO HURT ME AND MOSTLY HURT MY KIDS BY SEPERATING US !! WE'RE TOGETHER NOW BUT LIVING IN CONSTANT FEAR OF GETTING SEPERATED AGAIN. TIMES HAVE CHANGED !! I REMEMBER GETTING ABUSED AND WATCHIN MY STRP MOTHER SNORT COKE OFF A MIRROR EVEN TOLD MY TEACHER AT SCHOOL ASKING WHAT IT WAS FOR FUCKIN CPS DIDNT TAKE ME AWAY WHEN THEY Should HAVE !!! TIMES CHANGED YOU PISS OFF YOUR Neighbor THEY CAN CALL AND HAVE CPS AMBUSH YOU YOU DENY A DRUG TEST THEY GET TAKEN YOU TAKE INE And fail THEY GET TAKEN SOOOO BEWARE ITS NOY LIKE THEY PULL UP IN YOUR DRIVE WITH A CPS LOGO ON There Vehicle IF THEY DID PEOPLE WOULDNT ANSWER THE DOOR 😂 THEY DONT WANNA HELP KEEP Family TOGETHER THEY WANT TO SPLIT YOU APART THAT BOILS DOWN TO MONEY AS WELL I CAN ELABORATE ON HOW TAKEN KIDS FROM THERE PARENTS HELPS CPS BUT IM TIRED OF TALKIN MAKIN ME SICK BYE FOR NOW

FINNYMIN24 profile image

No and no.

I've not been tested for MRSA but lived with a guy that had it...?

I've never had anything! Never been in hospital, no broken anything, NOTHING.

Just this life ending hideous plug existence with my once clear , healthy skin.

JUST THIS HELL SKIN GIG AT AGE 55. Im turning 60 in April. No clue STILL as to what plagues us.

GMO via our food/groceries? quite possibly. This is similar to a "rooting" system in plants.....but made with my own (collegen/keratin)..?

What triggers it though? What have we done, ate, been exposed to?

I feel ya gang. It's a nightmare. It has SO affected my life, personally, professionally, mentally, socially etc.

It takes me an hour to find something to wear (if I don't cancel or call in) that will hide the lesions de jour!

Let's keep talking g about this crap!!

FlowerGnome1 profile image
FlowerGnome1 in reply to FINNYMIN24

I feel you about the getting ready for work. Not to mention any draining stains it might create on said garment. And the trips to the bathroom to check on it because it's itchy and causing pain. It's frustrating. Embarrassing. Painful. Makes you feel crazy. Exhausting.

MeToo_Aus profile image

I’m about 2 years in, no thyroid issues, low vit D, elevated CRP, elevated LDH, alp & ggt up, low iron, elevated lipids, elevated wcc, negative ena, ana & RF

I keep a file with me with hard copies of the results of tests since issues began in August 2022, 3 days after my 4th covid vaccine

Since then, I’ve been diagnosed with anaemia, Raynaud’s, pulmonary hypertension (Cpc-ph), emphysema, severe NAFLD, worsening GORD, IBS, benign polyps from one end to the other, 2x very large gall stones, widespread tendinosis, oesophageal dysmotility, Dupuytren's contracture, ED, severe refactory hypertension (170/110), Sicca Symptoms, possibly Gottron Papules, visual aura, bilateral carpel tunnel, “abnormal thickened skin” and probably a few others I’ve forgotten.

I’m waiting on rheumatologist appointment (my second rheumatologist ) and have already been seen, and dismissed by about 14 specialists, all of whom state that the issue I’ve seen them about, is caused by something another specialist group is responsible for managing. So just bounced doctor to doctor.

I’ve been told there’s definitely something going on, but I’ll probably never find out what it is, despite it literally killing me.

Doctors don’t have the time to even listen to the whole list of symptoms I have, so how could they possibly look holistically to determine a cause.

FlowerGnome1 profile image

Vitamin D2 deficiency and folic. 45ish days ago, now on script strength for both. What other common denominator have you found, please ?

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to FlowerGnome1

I'm so sorry,still workin that out. I'll get back to you on that.

chazy profile image

Hi, yes I have had a total thyroidectomy many years ago because thyroid was totally messed up and full of nodules, I mean no viable tissue at all, it had to go. Vitamin D been on that years, many who live in the UK are advised to take vit d daily, we lack any beneficial sunshine for sometimes 9 months a year lol 😂 I often wonder what is the root cause of a few of my chronic conditions as they are mainly idiopathic, a word I have come to hate !

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to chazy

: ( I'm sorry I feel yeah I really do

Pianokey1 profile image

i have no thyroid issues. I take d3 daily.

This is what’s helping mine:

Tretenoin 0.05% rx

Ivermectin (studies show heals sores w/o scarring)

and you’ll need a good moisturizer

Vitamin c serum in morning and spf

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to Pianokey1

im always vitamin d deficient and have had mrsa and severe thrush trying to figure out the common denominator here

FeliciaMarie profile image

im going after ivermectin but its horse dewormer how the heck do I take it ? eat the tube of paste ? lol

Pianokey1 profile image
Pianokey1 in reply to FeliciaMarie

You can eat it but I heard it tastes disgusting. You can get an rx from doctor for pills

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to Pianokey1

doctor aint gonna give me shit lol I dont have a horse anymore either so they are going to look at me like a crazy nut if I ask for horse dewormer. Thats the shit I hear works FDA has not approved it. its not for human consumption but whet do I got to loose im dieing here.

Pianokey1 profile image
Pianokey1 in reply to FeliciaMarie

Dr.s do prescribe it. But yeah maybe for us “delusions” they won’t. My sister got pills from Mexico you can get them at a pharmacy there. It’s a shame. Ivermectin is even used for cancers.

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to Pianokey1

I don't care if it tastes like horse pucky I'm desperate

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