What is this : I have a scab on my leg went to pick... - MY SKIN


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What is this

25 Replies

I have a scab on my leg went to pick the scab and there seems to be a hard root attached to the root Tried to pull scab off but the root is deep into my skin and it's hard

25 Replies
Ratton profile image

Don't touch it -could be skin cancer- or eczema- I had similar yrs ago and it was Bowens disease mild form of skin cancer. If you sunbathe a lot and expose the area could be how it started. See a GP or Dermatologist!! asap..

willnick profile image

as already said, show it to a gp asap.

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to willnick

They don't know man, geeze. Them doctors couldn't even tell me I had thrush till I was ate up almost dead lucky I'm alive and it didnt go to my brain they did a cat scan to be sure it didn't spread but as many docs as i saw at that time for this thrush it shouldn't have gotten that bad but instead they kept feeding me antibiotics to get me out there face which fed the problem

02101967 profile image

I've been dealing with the same thing since 2017. I've seen 1 infectious disease, 3 Dermatologists, and 2 PCP. And I've never felt as dismissed, mocked, nor gaslit by a medical provider as I have trying to find out what this is. Plus I believe this is more than just skin issue. My health in general has declined, I now have extreme chronic fatigue, hyperthyroidism, balance issues, hair loss, sleep walking and sleep eating, etc, All of which started to come on around the same time as the onset of lesions/scabs....

Because I wasn't getting any answers from my drs, I turned the internet and came across the highly controversial Morgellons. There is research that has proven Morgellons is caused by the same spirocheets as Lyme... Chronic Lyme is just as controversial.

So if you're able, maybe try searching these two conditions and see if any of it sounds familiar....

Usual Scab on leg
FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Gosh your condition sounds like mine , I also got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism,sleepwalk,sleepeat, all that !! Wow, I don't know bout you but I had thrush very severe case of it almost died from Candidiasis. Hospitalized. Also diagnosed with MRSA.

02101967 profile image
02101967 in reply to FeliciaMarie

Yep, Candida and MRSA for me too....

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Makes me wonder if there's something to that ..... Candida and MRSA is somehow linked to these weird slimy sticky white plugs......nasty finger like projections that fuck up any would healing process... I believe there everywhere not just poking out the skin. Have you had mold of any kind in your environment? Or fungi? Slime mold too? If you don't know,investigate if thats possible. I ripped my panaling off too find black mold so bad it had carpenter ant infestation behind the walls spend everything I had from a c8 settlement like 15,000 on this place replacing walls,floors windows 2x4 2x6 rebuilt every outer wall just to still loose everything and be sick so bad I cant walk right pain is breathtaking

02101967 profile image
02101967 in reply to FeliciaMarie

This is just my opinion, no factual basis, but I think the MRSA is probably secondary. I mean we all have staph on our bodies and in our noses all of the time, right? MRSA is staph that's gone rogue after contaminating a break in the skin. ... In our case lesions and/or scatching....

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Yeah, I know. We were just saying we've had it in the past once you got it you got it for life its more than just having it on tour skin when you've been infected in the blood its something you got to be careful we have the bacteria more than people who haven't been sick with it but I get what your saying i agree... thats a givin..... we are just trying to find the link what links us all so we can figure this out.

02101967 profile image
02101967 in reply to FeliciaMarie

You make some good points.... but do you think it's that we carry more bacteria or is it that our immunity has been compromised thus making us more vulnerable?? Kinda like the chicken or the egg... which came first???

Don't know how familiar you are with lyme disease and other tick born illnesses.... however check out Dr. Cameron's videos on You Tube. He is a New York based specialist of Infectious Disease. With a concentration on treating "chronic lyme" and other tick born diseases. You got nothing to lose....

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Our Immunity....... that is why we carry more bacteria.

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

So yeah I don't think we're special more like compromised immune systems . For example when this started for me was 2011 when I was pregnant. Right there says it all when pregnant your immunity is comprised.

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

I know theres spirochete and borrilia bacteria that lyme disease patients carry BUT the chronic lyme is special cases where these people carry different species of spirochete and borrilia bacteria in there bodies and this why our traditional lyme tests dont detect them. Look up BOVINE DIGITAL DERMITITIS , thankyou for that I will look that up as soon as I get a chance. Thankyou 😏

02101967 profile image
02101967 in reply to FeliciaMarie

No, chronic and acute lyme are both from Bartonella. It's just that for those who got treated for acute lyme, as well as those that have never been treated continue to experience symptoms long after.

This may be because the Bartonella Spirocheets have the ability to "sabotage" and hide from our normal immune response. Basically they outsmart our immune systems....

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Yeah I know. I hope it aint it, cause if they cant diagnose a Yeast infection ....then my expectations are very low at them diagnosing me with morgellons/Lyme diseases 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣man I've been thru alot you have no idea .....its a fucking miracle I'm still here and its only because I Have love inside my soul. I don't give up. When I figure this hole thing out I will spread the knowledge to everyone that needs it!! Cross your fingers 🤞

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

I read 10 years ago the patients are all different and thats why they experience symptoms long after because they harbor different bacteria of spirochete more than one residing in the body and by the way borrilia is a spirochete too thats just one I could think of at the time I researched this 10 years ago and shyv away because doctors here can't identify a yeast infection let alone morgellons or Lyme and takes a special test thats regular docs don't have

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to FeliciaMarie

But yeah your right Im tired I'll hollar at yeah later show you my research I'll have to find it again its been long time ago but I save everything lol

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

And yes I know that bovine digital dermititis is for cattle but trust me just do it please

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

I noticed when I take a bacterial ointment and fungal onitment swirl em together put it on these it help they kinda liquify

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to 02101967

Sounds crazy but hair moves by itself. It does and Im not on drugs and its not fu*kin static just sayin

Valbert profile image
Valbert in reply to FeliciaMarie

Mine too. Every bot of what you all are saying and I have video of the hairs moving. No air flow, no fans, nothing.

FeliciaMarie profile image
FeliciaMarie in reply to Valbert

What in theee fuck is goin on?!!? Is it globalwarming I wonder cause a fungus to go crazy. Its lika slime mold but my hair geeze ive caught it lookin like madoosa. Its insane !! Itches too

Winna profile image
Winna in reply to FeliciaMarie

Just want to throw this out here..emf is like miracle grow for fungi/molds. There's a scientist who figured this out, said it increases growth rate by around 600%. We are steadily increasing man made emf, by insane amounts yearly. Add to that that fungi are opportunistic, they take advantage of any imbalances. We, along w our environment have been in a constant state of imbalance for a few decades now, and that as well is increasing every year. Fungal issues are becoming more and more prevalent and we are losing our ability to combat them. You don't hear much about it unless you purposefully seek it out but scientists have been trying to sound the alarms and get the warnings out. There's so many contributing factors to our deteriorating health (we've altered every natural system, our diets are damaging and inadequate, we're exposed to thousands of man made chemicals and every one of us are loaded w plastics chemicals and particles..to name a few), we've effectively created a disaster scenario where the consequences are just starting to become evident. The next few decades will be very difficult and eye opening.

Winna profile image
Winna in reply to FeliciaMarie

Oh yeah, and the emf could very well be causing the hair movement.

Alp3089 profile image

I have found a little help with jock inch cream after you have the plugs exposed it hurts but next morning a little better keep it clean next night put lots of a&d ointment make sure it doesn’t get wiped off You should start seeing some improvement by three days. This was one of my biggest spots. It lasted about seven months. I have found that any sort of sweating, especially during summertime makes it worse. I live in North Carolina, and my occupation is a farmer just saying But I do think it has something to do with fungus.

A healed scar with small problem area

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