Outer ear growth - painful: what is it? - MY SKIN


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Outer ear growth - painful: what is it?

HowNowWhatNow profile image
5 Replies

Please see photo attached.

Would really like some help from this community to give me an idea of *roughly* what I am looking at when I see this photo! Bacterial / fungal / viral / tumour (benign or otherwise) / scar tissue / any other skin condition.

Specifics would be nice but in the first instance some general advice would be great.


In late August I had outer ear inflammation in this, my right, ear. I was given a spray for it and it eased off a bit. It hasn’t felt completely normal since but the redness and swelling has improved a lot. Have never had outer ear issues before this.

The nurse practitioner who saw me for this noticed my right ear was blocked with wax so booked me in for an ear wax irrigation, to clear the wax.

So for a large part of September, I had to use first one liquid (on prescription - forget the brand) to loosen the wax and then olive oil, because someone else at my GP practice told me olive oil worked better.

The irrigation and olive oil worked - ear unblocked.

Over the last few days / last week, I have had what feels like a spot developing in that outer ear: a really painful spot. There were also a couple of bumps in my ear, higher above it. I itched this spot quite a lot as so painful, over these days, thinking that’s just what it was (and as I couldn’t see it).

Now I can see it , it doesn’t seem to be acne - but I have no idea what it is. I will attach a photo of what it is in a second and would like your help identifying it, please.

It is painful and is only in one ear.

I have had a lot of fungal skin issues of late. I have also had some pain / swelling in my nose and swelling in my throat.

I know of a condition called relapsing polychondritis that affects cartilage in all these 3 areas (might be completely off track) and a doctor I saw for my throat “globus” has recommended I ask my GP for anti-fungals. As it’s so hard to see a GP now, I’d like to know if it’s something I should go privately for or can easily treat myself.

Thank you so much for reading this far.

It’s the skin thing lower right I’m asking about. Higher left doesn’t hurt but is presumably a similar thing.

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5 Replies
arTistapple profile image

As I am following you and this popped up. There is a similar post on our usual forum I have replied to this morning, re:ears. I can’t be sure about fungal issues but I know for sure about everything else you referred to about ears! It’s a big very annoying problem for hypothyroids. These look like spots/pustules. Along with/possibly caused by the wax build up, they are a blooming nuisance. Keep the ears cleared of wax with something like Earcalm (diluted vinegar) and a spray of Teatree oil to reduce any residual itch. Off course see about possible fungal issues although using the previously mentioned interventions you should avoid fungal growth.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to arTistapple

hooray for your reliable help and for your quick response today!! Thank you

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to arTistapple

have you had this issue before?

And if so (and if not fungal) what do you think the issue I can see here is caused by? Wax residue irritating the skin?

You’re right about this ear becoming v waxy - it normally isn’t as bad as this - and this starting at the same time, Mr Holmes.

best wishes to you x

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to HowNowWhatNow

Off course I can’t be sure of the exact why but ….. wax builds and blocks pores. Blocked pores encourage spots and boils. Our skin (hypothyroids) has this stuff called mucin which can be found almost anywhere under our skin. It interferes with the normal job of the skin. Sweating/not sweating. Detoxing. It’s efforts at protecting our skin from bacteria is compromised. It just does not work as efficiently as non hypothyroid people. Dry skin can be experienced anywhere on hypothyroid skin. Flaking skin. When it’s in the ears it’s particularly unpleasant. You can’t get at it easily and it can be damaged further by rattling it with your finger or worse, with a cotton bud. The skin there is generally more fragile. Any one of the above can soon become a group of the above and ….. So clearing the wax as carefully as possible plus a little bit of antibacterial treatment (teatree) helps a lot. I find less is more. Don’t be tempted to go overboard. Some hypothyroids suffer acne. Same difference.

AndrewT profile image

Dear Geogeor,

Yes Probably due to Wax, or an infection- that hasn't Cleared yes.....Probably. I would however just 'Check', with your GP- or Consultant. It just might be something more Serious (because it has Been 'Around', for some time.).

Incidental don't talk to me, about Bloomin' Ears! Soreness, itching, stray hairs, wax...... No wonder Van Gogh cut his off!!!!!

As I said, I would, 'Just Check.


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