Hi all,
I really hope somebody can advise me! Sorry if this is long.
I've decided to finally post online and ask about this problem because I am getting nowhere with it with the GPs or the hospital (more on those later)
So anyway, in August 2021, I noticed a red raised bump, looked similar to a spot, a few inches above my penis in the pubic hair region. At first I thought it was a spot, but it was there for ages so I saw a GP about it. He said keep an eye on it and it should go. Come October 2021, it was still there - I visited another GP at the practice who had a look, and he said there was more than one of these - he counted upto 6. He didn't know what they were. He also made a referral for me to dermatology at the hospital. Bear in mind this was almost a year ago. In December 2021, I also took myself to the GUM sexual health clinic - the guy there also didn't know what they were. He said usually he'd freeze them off if he knew, but told me I'd best wait for the referral.
At that stage, I didn't think it'd get so much worse. Over the subsequent months since then, I have had many more of these growths/warts/bumps/whatever they are. Earlier this year, one or two of them got larger and burst I believe. I've had more visits to the GP, and have been given various creams to try - Aciclovir 5% cream, Timodine cream and Hydrocortisone acetate - none of these have worked.
(note: the GP did give me the tiniest tube of Aciclovir, which barely lasted a few days - when I went back to tell him it didn't last long enough for the 1 week I was told to use it, instead of giving me more, he just switched to something else (timodine) entirely!)
To make it worse, the doctors have now sent THREE expedite letters to the hospital over the last 6 months to try and get my referral sped up - the last one complete with photos of the problem - and each time I have been told I am on the "appropriate list" and that I am expected to be seen mid-2023! By that point it will be 2 years! My main worry is that it could be contagious, be that to other people, or other parts of my body, but all they could say in response to the last expedite letter is that it "probably isn't contagious but we can't be sure"
The reason I am posting in here is because one GP did mention the word molluscum and so I was hoping someone could help identify what these are and what to do next?
It is causing me great anxiety - like I said I am worried about is spreading to other parts of my body (I already have contamination OCD) and also, I have been unable to date during this time because of the worry it being contagious, so it's making me miserable and anxious.
I'm going out of my mind with worry with this I'm worried at the rate they are appearing, and that even if gone, it's going to make things very unsightly down there with scarring. If anyone could offer some help or advice, or what road to go down, it'd be much appreciated! The images are above. Bear in mind this is just one area of the growths/bumps.