I'm a 27 year old male never diagnosed... When I was 7-15 when I'd watch movies and someone and someone died or committed suicide I'd think " maybe I want to do that and the thoughts or images would last for a few weeks till I "talked myself out of it" when I was 15 there was a girl I really liked and the she didn't like me... The question popped in my head maybe I'm gay i spiraled for about 6 months then went back to my normal. I've been in a relationship since I was 19. About 3 years ago I had a gay image pop in my head and I spiraled again over analyzing gronial responses. My girl friend and I were arguing a few weeks ago and it happened again.. started with intrusive thoughts and disgust anxiety over analyzing everything.. the thoughts switched to I'm happy and want to be gay but when I look logically I've always been attracted to women it doesn't make sense.I've read OCD is on a spectrum and for some people it comes and goes through out there live.. could this be OCD? Has anyone had the thoughts switch? I just want to feel like myself again
I have a question : I'm a 27 year old male... - My OCD Community
I have a question

yes this is OCD and the themes will switch. It all comes down to getting comfortable with uncertainty. Seek an ERP therapist.
Hello - I'm not a doctor or a therapist, but this does sound like OCD to me. When I was younger I struggled with themes around being possibly gay. It was very distressing to me, but now I understand that these are OCD thoughts and don't have to mean anything. It's important to understand that OCD is a feeling problem; not a thinking problem. The content of the thoughts don't matter, it's our emotional response to them that causes distress. People with OCD often think that if they can "figure a thought out" then it will go away. In my experience this isn't true. Another thought will just come in to replace the original. This is why OCD themes change over time.
The good news is that there are medicines and therapy techniques that can help you tolerate these thoughts. It is possible to live a meaningful and fulfilling like with OCD. You just need to reach out if you're struggling.
Certainly seems like OCD. And yes it can come and go though out your life with different themes. That has been the case for me. I’m 70 years old and my OCD started at 15. There IS help. OCD sends you false narratives that feel real. That’s why it’s so sneaky. Find a good OCD therapist and a psychiatrist.
After whatever your "episode" was did you go back to feeling like yourself before it happened? Till something hooked you again?
My OCD follows a pattern when I relapse. But remember everyone is different. I’m currently coming out of a relapse that started in late March. There is always a trigger but it’s sometimes difficult to figure out. But the trigger really doesn’t matter. The first three months of my relapse are the worst, extreme anxiety and I am flooded with intrusive thoughts. After that it starts to get better but very, very slowly. I think of it as a grain of sand a day. So here we are at the end of December and I can say I’m pretty much back to feeling like myself. My last relapse before this one was in 2015. I hope that answers your question. Remember OCD is a disorder. You can’t control thoughts or feelings. You can only control how you react.
If I look at things logically I always go back to how I was but at the same time I get the "this time is different" I'm glad I have people around me that know this isn't me and know I'll be the same it can really screw with you
I think you need some OCD tools you can rely on when these thoughts come around. I've had similar thoughts. After therapy and gaining thought tools, I realize now that it was not valid and that it came with my OCD. Find a good therapist in your area that will help you. Be sure they are trained in OCD though..... I've been to therapists and didn't have a clue and they didn't help me.
In my heart I know I'm not... I was doing okay.. sometime yesterday said I'm gay and now there's no reaction to the thoughts and every once in awhile I remember what I used to be like how sexual I was how it felt to be me.... That's the only way I can explain it and I feel lower then low did you go thru that?