The last couple of hours were horrendous to bear! I was sitting simply when all of a sudden this thought popped in my head and I started checking mentally again and again just to be rid of the thought. I sort of came to terms with it when a second and much severe attack of disturbing thoughts came to me. I just couldn't deal with it and it was like I was under attack. I couldn't think straight and was going through severe panic! I listened to some podcasts to help me calm down but it didn't help much. Then I watched an episode of The Office and my anxiety reduced a little bit. Later I watched videos of a therapist on how to deal with the intrusive thoughts and FINALLY it looks like my head is clearing! Oh it feels great to have some mental peace!
Intrusive thoughts invading my head! - My OCD Community
Intrusive thoughts invading my head!

Since October My Last Psychotic Break Down I Haven’t Been Able To Stop These Thought’s.
Have you tried reading some of the Bible? I really find peace by praying in combination with reading the Word. Jesus Christ is the one who defeated death, sin, and evil by dying on the cross for us and then resurrecting into eternal glory to overcome the darkness. His Spirit is with us when we believe in Him and ask him for help. As long as we are on this earth, the evil forces and our sinful flesh will try to take us down the wrong path or dwell on negative or intrusive things. But this is not God’s will for us.
Ephesians 6:16 “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one”
Continue seeking God and he will deliver you from this in some shape or form.
God bless you and keep you in Jesus name!
I'd recommend the book Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, by Sally M. Winston and Martin N. Seif. It's very short and a very easy read and has helped me a lot with mine.
Intrusive thoughts are the worst! Check out Mark Dejesus on YouTube, his perspectives have brought me a bit of peace. I wish I had a solution for you!
What was the thought telling people in this program could help

So glad you were able to achieve some peace