I was recently diagnosed with a rare form of OCD, musical obsessions, and I just wanted to know if anyone else in the community experienced this and what helped?
Musical Obsession OCD: I was recently... - My OCD Community
Musical Obsession OCD

you just obsess over music? I pretty much obsess over everything
Sort of but more do like the song is stuck on repeat. Like I can’t get it out of my head and I do it without intending to. And it only
Stops if I’m distracted. Rare form of OCD
for how long is it stuck? usually
All day unless I’m busy reading, watching tv, etc
Is it a song or a set of songs in particular?
Any song really. Could be the last song I’ve heard or one I haven’t heard in a long time. Sometime I wake up in the middle of my sleep and I’m repeating the song in my head. I gave to focus really hard to go back to sleep. It’s caused major insomnia for me.
That's really interesting. I'm just starting to learn more about OCD now so I've never heard of that.
Hello Pepper2273, I've recently experienced that after moving from several sub-types of obsessions over the last months. Any recommendation? Thanks very much.
Whats helped me is sleep and meditation. I know that sounds super cheesy like every therapist says that but the meditation has helped me stop hyper focusing on the songs. So when I sleep I focus on other sounds in the room or if I’m still repeating songs in my head I just let it go. Let it do it’s thing and before I know it I fall asleep. Wasn’t easy at first caused some severe insomnia and anxiety but I’m much better now than I was a year ago when it first started.
Pepper Wowwwwwwwww someone I perhaps can relate to. I'm so obsessive with music I lost one job and always getting into trouble in this one because I can't stop watching Youtube I need it to survive, but no one seems to believe me. I have three music videos on my own channel on youtube. Even worse I've started brining in my guitar. Pepper if you ever want to talk I'm here. Stay Strong. Stay Well. Stay Safe.