Hi everyone, hope it is ok to ask this here. R was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2021 but there have been a few doubts in my mind about whether his diagnosis is correct. R regularly struggles with cold weather and his hands/feet - it takes him forever to warm up if he has been outside. However, I have noticed that his hands often have a different colour when cold. Is this a msa symptom? I have asked on the Parkinson’s forum but not had a response. Thanks Rachel
Cold hands: Hi everyone, hope it is ok... - Multiple System A...
Cold hands

Hello Tiger, I’m sure others may comment but from everything I know there is no one symptom that can specifically say that someone has MSA or not.
There’s some very good fact sheets on the MSA Trust website that may enhance or reduce your suspicions. Please don’t think there’s a magic list that will confirm or not a MSA diagnosis. My Jackie was very lucky that it only took a year from severe symptoms to diagnosis. For many it’s a much longer journey.
Take care, Ian
Hello, Yes ,cold hands feet are part of msa
My husbands are ice cold . He knows they're cold but not to the extend to which they are .Subsequently his nails are discoloured die to the lack of blood
I have Parkinson's disease and my hands are cold (also have Raynaud). My husband, who had MSA and passed away a couple of months ago did not have cold hands. There are "red flags" that point to a possible MSA diagnosis but hand/feet temperature would not be one of them as there are so many other causes.
Hi, Reynauds Disease is a symptom of MSA, and probably Parkinsons too. There are various gloves available on the Reynauds Disease website which help.