Hi everyone. I’m new to the forum. Recently diagnosed with MSA after four years of symptoms. Does anyone experience severe foot pain at night? I get cramps in both my feet at night, but additionally, I get excruciating pain in my right foot. It feels like someone has put it in a vice and it’s crushing the bones in the top of my foot. It’s becoming unbearable 😩😩
Foot pain: Hi everyone. I’m new to the... - Multiple System A...
Foot pain

I have something similar. It’s a bit like peripheral neuropathy but no excruciating pain. When CL is OFF i get Just plain old pain while at the same time feeling numbness and tingling parts of the first three toes of each foot. Makes it hard to sleep. So I wake up and take CL, wait an hour and go back to sleep. The best remedies have been applying magnesium lotion, followed by cbd cream. Wrap toes in kinesiology tape or strips of cloth and put in big soft socks. Also I walk barefoot on wet grass for 20 min for grounding. Also I use a TENS pad for feet to try to keep nerves alive also I follow an oil-free, sugar-free vegan diet which includes one cup of blueberries and 4 cups of greens daily. Plus tons of other PD supplements ( like B complex, D, magnesium, calcium., fish oil, choline, nicotinamide, B2) and 60 minutes of exercise daily.
Thanks for the reply Gallowglass. What is CL? Also, I’m very immobile so I can’t do much in the way of exercise etc.
Whoops! Sorry. I’m on two discussion groups and forgot which one this is! I have Parkinson’s and CL stands for Carbidopa Levodopa, the main PD medication . For me CL reduces symptoms like foot pain and cramping or uncontrollable or curling when it is ON, for about one hour(can’t take more than .every 4 hours, so I’m experiencing one hour ON 3 hours OFF. ). Have you been checked fir Parkinson’s?
good morning, I know exactly what you are saying and your description of a vice crushing your foot is spot on. I have yet to get any relief for it. Regarding night pain and cramps I have found sleeping with a square of foam (it’s actually a very thick seat pad for a wheelchair about 3inches thick) under my calves really helps. It mean my calves are elevated and my feet are not actually touching the bed. It has certainly has helped.