I have not been diagnosed as yet. A neurologist I am seeing is committed to finding out what is causing the symptoms. I was diagnosed with large fiber polyneuropathy with ataxia in 2021. Since then dysautonomia has presented itself. Exercise for balance has really helped but unfortunately my ataxia is not visible now. Wobbly walk seems to have disappeared but sometimes sneaks back but in a different way. Wondering if balance exercise and walking has helped anyone else.
A turn of my head can make me feel like falling over, (loss of proprioception), so that is still the same. I have a lot of problems with memory and cognition too. The cold hand syndrome is something I live with as well as Reynaud's syndrome and lack of temperature regulation. Now my heart has got an arrhythmia and I just wore a Holter monitor for 24 hours. I got Covid 2 weeks ago and passed out from OH, the ER doctor said. So bladder, constipation and now this seems to point to dysautonomia. Looking back I think all of this started around 2015 so that's some time ago. I can pinpoint when most things started.
Passing out like that scared me and I don't think Covid was the ultimate cause. Maybe the Holter monitor will tell the truth. I actually suspected I had MSA about 5 years ago and then shelved the idea. Now I'm thinking maybe? There are a lot of brave souls with this and it would be nice to connect if indeed I have it. I am a 72 yo female living in Saskatchewan Canada.