Hello....I am Ann and was diagnosed by a neurologist with MSA two months ago. I am so glad that I have found this group as I have been so confused regarding treatment etc. Now I have learned from you that the only treatment is for individual health problems. I have 16 medical problems. Yes - 16 but they have manifested themselves over the years. In fact my tremor goes back 40 years....what I am at a loss to understand is how I have managed to reach the grand old age of 81 despite having so many different health problems. I am still reasonably active, i.e. use a walker for outside trips, nothing inside. Have osteo arthritis, mainly in spine, copd, diabetes 2, amongst others. Do I wait to be struck down with MSA overnight or will it remain as it is now. To be honest, I thought my ailments were due to old age and not MSA.
Any advice would be very welcoming and glad I have found you