I come to the group today sadly to say my dear dad lost he’s fight against msa Friday evening I am truly heartbroken 😔 but I needed to thankyou all for you support through my dads illness I found this group by accident and I’m so glad I did x keep making memories and spend as much time as u can smiling thankyou all again
The passing of my dear dad - Multiple System A...
The passing of my dear dad

I'm so, so sorry. Even though you knew this was going to happen sometime, it's still such a shock when it does. Our heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family. There's nothing we can say to help your grief. Remember the good times and all of those great memories you will have. Your lovely photo of you both together says it all. Take care, Ian x
Hi, I am so sorry to hear this. It's so painful when you lose a much loved parent. The picture of you both is lovely and something for you to treasure. I send my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Your father is now at peace.
Helen xx
I'm so sorry to hear your news. You joined around the same time I did. I hope you find some comfort in your memories, the photo is lovely - take care and some time to reflect especially in these strange times x
So sorry to read your sad news. Such a lovely photo for you to treasure. Take care and remember the good times. Much love, Jan x
What a lovely picture!!
This will be such a difficult time with all the restrictions and heart is going out to you
Hang on to all the good memories and draw strength from all the expressions of love and loss for your dad
I'm very sorry. That's a beautiful photo..soulful, happy, kind xx
Im sorry for your lost, what a beautiful photo!
So very sorry for your loss x
So sorry for your loss deep condolences 💜💜
Thankyou everyone for your kind words x
i’m so sad to read this after losing my dad 3 weeks ago , it is so hard as you love them so much, I too made lots of memories with my dad , at least they are in a better place now and don’t have to suffer , having a little tear now thinking of you ❤️💔
love elaine
So sorry to hear your sad news. ❤️
so sorry to hear that but glad you were able to make memories! Our thought are with you and your family
I’m so very sorry. May your dad rest in eternal peace.
In time you will love reminiscing about your dad and even laugh about the things that happened. MSA is a horrible disease.
I know how heartbroken you will be feeling.
What a beautiful picture of you both.
Be kind to yourself x x