Welcome to the MSA Trust Community at HealthUnlocked!
The goal of our community is to provide an open, supportive, informative, respectful and friendly community for anyone affected by MSA.
This site is moderated by the MSA Trust Admin team and HealthUnlocked.
Important: Posts on this site can support, but not replace the information and advice you receive from your Neurologist, GP, or other Health and care professional. Members who post or answer questions on the site should not be assumed to be healthcare professionals. For specific information and advice about MSA please contact our MSA Nurse Specialists at support@msatrust.org.uk.
The below summarises shared rules to ensure all our members feel supported and safe using our HealthUnlocked Community :
• By using this Community, you agree to post information that is primarily drawn from your personal experience.
• We encourage all posts to be kept under a topic and posts should aim to be kept on topic.
• A new post should be started to discuss a new issue or question.
• Content must never be abusive, malicious, deliberately misleading or fake. Any posts or comments that contain negative or harmful references to others, or which have the potential to be harmful to others, will be deleted.
• Community members may describe their own experiences of using alternative therapies or treatments. However, these will be personal and should not imply any endorsement by the MSA Trust . We will only post details of treatments where there is research-based evidence to show that they are beneficial for people living with MSA.
• Users should not promote the use of personal treatments used to others.
• Members should not post personal information of any kind on the site.
• Posts that promote a product may be deleted.
• You must be 18 years old or over to use the HealthUnlocked platform.
Community Members should always discuss their personal medical situation with their consultant and health care professionals. Information given on HealthUnlocked should never be used as a substitute for medical advice from your Doctor, Specialist or Health Care Professional.
Those who break these rules and guidelines repeatedly may have their account suspended or be banned entirely.
The Trust reserves the right to summarily delete posts and suspend or ban users showing persistent disregard of the above rules.
Both these guidelines and the HU guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice. If you have any concerns about posts or users in the HU community, please contact support@msatrust.org.uk.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy using the MSA Trust HealthUnlocked Community.