Alan has been home for just 11 days and is now back in hospital. He was very breathless last night and I put it down the heat as our apartment is very hot. This morning however he woke me at 6:00 making a noise which I thought was him calling me when I came into his room he was struggling to breathe, very pale and had a rattling sound in his chest. He asked for a bowl and vomited blood. I called the paramedic who whisked him away to the hospital. It looks like Aspiration Pneumonia , for the first time I was asked about DNR, something we've never discussed. So now it's just sit and wait as there are no visitors allowed at the hospital still. This happened so suddenly he's never been this ill before even when he went in last time it wasn't this bad. I hate that I can't be there for him, he's all on his own. Anyone else had to deal with Aspiration Pneumonia?
Back in hospital.: Alan has been home... - Multiple System A...
Back in hospital.

Hello Ivy. I can only imagine what it must be like for you at the moment not able to be with Alan. I can't anything of practical help only that our thoughts are with you. Take care, Ian
Sorry that he's only been home for such a short time, and also this virus is preventing you from being there to support him.
Our thoughts are with you.
Take care.
Thankfully we haven't. But I've read up on it. Sounds like healthy people can clear it with antibiotics, but it's harder for people with MSA to fight off. It's been a rough ride for you lately. All good wishes. Kx
Thank you for your kind words.
thank goodness we have not had to deal with this. Must be very frightening. Thinking of you and fingers crossed. Take care of yourself
Thank you.
so sorry to hear that he is back in hospital, I hope it gets sorted , thinking of you in these strange time , sending virtual hugs xx
It is frightening how quickly pneumonia comes on whether it is the community acquired type or the aspiration type. Geoff has a bout of both and each time he went to bed with no problems and then was really unwell by the morning. Both times his treatment was the same antibiotic, fluids and rest and he did make good recoveries.
We did have a DNACPR order which means that they won’t attempt CPR but will do all the fluids and antibiotics and other treatments needed. When he died peacefully at home it was a blessing because I didn’t have an ambulance controller trying to persuade me to start CPR.
I really hope that he responds quickly to the treatment and can come back to your wonderful love and care soon.
Thank you. We've talked about a DNR and Alan has said it to be my decision, he doesn't want to make that choice. He's on fluids and antibiotics and what they called noninvasive ventilation. He's had three bought of pneumonia since December, this is the first aspiration.
He's never been this ill with it before just hoping he responds to treatment but it seems the primary need is his respiratory system.
An update for you. Alan has responded well to treatment, yesterday he came off the nebuliser and they have told him he will be home before the weekend. He mentioned last night that he now has to have all his food pureed so gonna google what that entails. He is not going to enjoy that one thing my hubby loves is his food.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
A blender of some sort is a real help. Other people might have recommendations but we already had a nutribullet which I used to purée everything that Geoff normally liked to eat. And frozen Mashed potato was my absolute godsend! I recently was looking in the freezer and found an ice cube tray (a largish one) with portions of puréed chilli in it from last October! Never expected that he wouldn’t get to eat it! He also had a PEG tube so just ate for fun.
Getting the speech therapist and then the dietician involved is definitely a good step soon.
Have fun! Hope that he is home at weekend where he belongs.
that's good news. Worth asking if you can have a referral to a Speech and Language therapist and a nutritionist to help with the eating so you can see what you can do to give Alan things he can enjoy safely. Our SALT team put together a plan for us.
Thank you, I'm expecting a call form his OT today so will mention it to her. He has a really good team around him the physio is excellent too. We haven't seen a speech therapist for a while but the person we had before lockdown was really great so hopefully she will come out too.