Things actually reached a stable point with mum doing well with the physio team who arrived to help, we even finally got an appointment for the new consultant to visit mum at her nursing home to review her drugs and importantly the home were really supporting all of us. Then after a really good day things deteriorated so quickly and within 24 hours mum had lost her mobility, she can just about stand and transfer from bed to chair etc but walking is now extremely difficult. Going to the loo isn't now an option and the commode has arrived. She's exhausted and sleeping a lot, her speech and co-ordination are becoming more difficult. She's been on antibiotics due to what looked like an infection somewhere after running a very high temp and BP at the weekend and has little appetite.
We're all so sad, mum's frustrated and so sad. It truly is a cruel disease as it just takes...we're all just now focused on keeping her comfortable and calm. We've been very lucky in being allocated a lady from the hospice who cared for a relative with MSA - it has been so good to talk to someone who REALLY understands, she dropped everything to see mum this week to provide support in what has been a tough week and the physio team have been amazing in helping us to avoid mum falling and helping her understand what she can now manage and what she can't - our biggest objective is to keep her out of hospital.
The rollercoaster of uncertainty continues - as you all do, we're just taking each day as it comes. And feeling very grateful (and relieved) at having good support at this time.