I know Christmas has many mixed emotions for those in this group; memories of times gone by, thoughts of happy times, more work for many and difficult days. However hopefully you will also find new memories and happy times over the next few days.
I’m currently wrestling with the turkey, the ham is boiling ready for tomorrow and thankfully the bottle of wine will soon be opening. Jax always made Christmas so special and now it’s time for me to put all the ‘observing’ I’ve done over the years to good use.
Jackie is of course giving some helpful hints....”Oh you’ve done it like that have you” ....I roughly translate this into “You’ve got it wrong again Ian!”
It won’t be the same Christmas but we will have a good one if we can.
Without hesitation therefore I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and may the year ahead be as good as it can be in the circumstances.
Take care, Ian x