I am a 64 year old Viet-Nam veteran and was stationed in Danang for 1 year(1970/1971).I was exposed to agent orange during that time(as ALL who set foot on Viet-Nam ground were ,during ANY dates AND for ANY length of time ,during the use of this toxic chemical..1962 thru 1971.....or so it is "presumed" by the VA) I was diagnosed with ET in 2007 and was told that it is a rare condition(Approx. 1 or 2 out of 150,00 people get it) where the blood platelet level increases abnormally due to malfunctioning bone marrow,and could potentially lead to complicating clotting issues,like stroke/paralysis/or even death,if not caught in time.THERE IS NO CURE FOR THIS! I believe that AO has some responsibility for this condition,as I have read about many other Viet Vets getting it also.I was told it is incurable,BUT manageable(?)I filed 2 different claims for disability compensation with the VA,and both were denied!I was told I needed "Valid clinical rationale" to support my claim.I couldn't find a job of any kind,in part due to this pre-existing condition.I have done much research and I think I see a link with the two(AO and ET) but cannot get a medical statement of any kind due to the "unknown factor".The Drs. I connected with were ignorant of the characteristics of TCDD and how it affected bone marrow,if in fact it did.Are there any Viet-Nam vets reading this,with ET?, and if so,can you provide some information that could help us all?By the way...TCDD is the acronym of the toxic dioxin derived from AO.It(AO) was manufactured by DOW Chemical and Monsanto during the war years...................Help,please!
I am currently under a hematologist/oncologist's care ,have to get a blood draw to monitor the platelet count monthly, and am taking 1 500mg tab of hydroxyurea daily to try to keep the platelets at a safe level.When I was diagnosed with it,my count was almost 1,000,000 and is now down to about 480,000 and "holding".Normal is supposed to be around 150,000 to 450,000..........Or so I was told......Hoping to hear from someone soon.Thanks!
Google the following to get "enlightened": Essential Thrombocytosis(also called Thrombocythemia)............Agent Orange and its dioxin TCDD (Shortened from a rather long chemical name)...........The other MPDs that are linked to each other from a common jak2 gene mutation discovered in 2005,and anything else you may find.There are also many medical sites to scope out.Very interesting reading and I'm convinced that AO did more damage than the VA is willing to admit or take responsabilty for!.........Peace