Hello All, a question. This week I had a stomach upset that resulted in not being able to keep any fluids down for 36 hours. As a consequence I became somewhat dehydrated and missed two doses of Hydroxy. It is now two days later and I am back to drinking and eating. But I am having an allergic reaction to some foods, to date this includes honey and some flavourings. Today the itching was such that I took an antihistamine. This has never happened before. Is this understandable in the context of having PV and a somewhat wonky blood profile? Will it resolve spontaneously as I get back to optimal hydration? Any thoughts appreciated.
Is this to do with a PV blood profile? - MPN Voice
Is this to do with a PV blood profile?

My advice is to call your specialist support for advice. To my not medically trained ear it sounds like a bug.
I would agree with DougyW that the stomach issues sound unrelated to the PV. Like some minor infection or something you ate. This should pass shortly. The itching could certainly be PV related. I suppose it is possible that having your immune system jacked up with an infection might make you more prone to blood cells secreting histamine. That is just conjecture though.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks for replying DougyW and Hunter. I totally agree the stomach bug was likely nothing to do with PV. It was more the reaction to eating certain foods after the bug had calmed down (and being dehydrated) that I was curious about. The link with histamine is interesting. I will check it out with the MPN nurse specialists at UCH.
The short version is that itching with PV can be caused by the release of histamine in overactivated mast cells and basophils. There are also microvascular issues involved. Your MPN care team can explain it is a case specific fashion.
Here is a bit of general information on the topic.
How is your thyroides?. Histamine levels, DAO, etc ? , functional abnormalities of mast cells may be the cause of PV-associated symtons.
Hi Imkern,I am on Hydrea (1000mg). After period of feeling "unwell", I had a blood test done by a dietician (medical-). She found low levels of electrolites and Magnesium.
Since I started using a product called "Total Magnesium (Medford) daily and a proper rehydrate every 2nd/3rd day - it helps. No idea if Hydrea could be the cause. On this forum I read about taking antihistines - maybe my imagination but I believe now my bone- and joint pain is a lot less since taking half a antihistamine daily.
I, (like you) also found that I am developing "reactions(?)" to certain foodstuff/medication, no idea if the blood (changes?) could be the cause.
Your question helps in that I can possibly learn from you in that I am not imagining certain "reactions" if somebody else also experiencing the symptoms!
Thank you SoledadBarcelona and RietFontain, I will let you know what the MPN specialist nurses report. This recent reaction to certain foods is nothing like the skin reaction to contact with water associated with PV, I get that occasionally. It is identical to when I have had a strong reaction to a bee sting; intense itching in specific areas, tingling lips, ear symptoms. After taking an antihistamine yesterday, I was reminded of how their mildly soporific effect can help with sleep, rather welcome! As Hunter reports, I suspect mast cells and basophils are at the core of this reaction; being triggered into overdrive by the stomach bug and possibly compounded by dehydration.
So, just to add an MPN service, clinical nurse specialist view - which is that they consider there to be no link between an allergic reaction and PV blood chemistry. Where aqueous pruritus fits into this clinical reasoning I am not sure.