Maybe things are different in the UK but when my hematologist wanted to do the bmb in office I refused -having had prior experience with biopsies I knew the pain would be more than I could deal with Once I refused the inoffice procedure it was no problem scheduling me in the hospital with sedation. A much better experience!
BMB ordeal: Maybe things are different in the UK... - MPN Voice
BMB ordeal

If they cannot offer their experience of carrying out a bmb, i can only say well done because my first bmb was carried out by what I learned later were two first timer junior hospital hurt and took three weeks to clear!In true brit style though I did give encouragement and said "a little left next time"😉
I asked for sedation at my BMB and was told it was not necessary....I will never be conned again!!
I recommend always taking the sedation. A BMB when it's a dry tap is traumatic!
I don't blame you at all! I haven't had a BMB, but I have had a lumbar puncture, the pain was horrendous - I tried to tell them that I was resistant to local anaesthetic and they wouldn't listen to me... they maxed out the amount they could use, and I felt everything. Even when I have dental work done I don't bother with it as it has no effect and just leaves me feeling ill.
It's sedation or no thanks from me.
You must be a redhead !
Oh wow! I have got a red tinge to my hair, it's more auburn than brown.
I had a BMB done Feb.2nd and not only was the pain unbearable,they botched the biopsy. I was mad about that. They did not bother to tell me it was not a good enough sample also. They just let me think I was going to get a good diagnosis.They were able to get a partial specimen😡.Still have early mylo fibrosis though.I could not imagine a BMB in the office.Some of the worst pain I have experienced.BTW I am 70 years young and have had pain before.
I’m in the UK and had a disastrous BMB as the doctors were unable to extract any marrow despite trying for an hour. I’ve refused to have another one as it was so traumatic and I could barely stand afterwards.
I am so sorry for the Doctor's putting you through that. I could not imagine one hour of them trying to get a good enough bone marrow sample. I don't think they make an emoji for what I am thinking 🤔 about at the moment. If you don't mind,could you let our group know what your future course of action will be. Thanks and GODS SPEED AND HEALING FROM MY FAMILY here in Lower Alabama a.k.a LA.