I hope someone here been trough same things and could bring some experience or advice.
I have bad feelings of tingling and numbness in my left side of body , is been over 3 years already and get worst .
because of those symptoms and platelet little bit high , 550 I discovered to be Jack 2 positive. The symptoms is very tired legs, legs not recovery even for days for small activity, numbness and tingling.
I was thinking the main problem was the platelet, my blood was so dry could just get taken by syringe aspiration. In this last 2 years I put lot of effort to fight with this illnes , aspirin everyday, double idratation then before, eat well, use turmeric, capsicum almost daily .
My blood test since over 1 year are simply perfect, nothing wrong with that 414 platelet, 0.46 HCT , everything is really perfect in the range, by the way my symptoms is still there .
Numbness and tingling in my left leg and foot , 24/24 -7/7 tiredness hard to recovery , how is that possible if my blood is good ?
Anyone else experiencing similar things ? Jack 2 positive can give this symptoms even if the blood is good ?
Or must be something else the problem?
I did last year brain and spine mri and I have been cleared as nothing can see … I’m waiting result of another mri brain spine wirh different neurologist, and also compare with previous mri.
I did 2 times in 1 year distance Doppler ultrasound in my left leg and didn’t found anything wrong with blood flow.
what else could be? Or what else test I should do ?
doctor here are not really friendly , they see me too young and they don’t really care much took me 1 year just to get tested for Jack 2 , they don’t really understand how this numbness is really like my legs is get frying on oil ,never let me go especially when I go to bed , is very hard keep going like that and also worry could be something else there what is going forward.
I never been referred to oncologist and not sure if still something related to blood and I should do some other blood test , doctor are not advice nothing or search for nothing but just see my blood as good and accept the fact there is nothing and don’t understand and listen about my symptoms and is very frustrating.
I hope someone can bring some idea or been trough similar and found solution