I had some blood test results through the post after a recent telephone appointment. I’ve been on Pegasys for a few years and with ET CALR2. Platelets are well controlled at 329 but these results have WBC at 10.9. This is still only just in the normal range but previous results in March this year were a WBC OF 4.9. I’m worried that it has gone up so much. Neutrophils are also higher than normal range. Alt is 35. Everything else is ok. I’ve left a message for the specialist nurse to call me back about it. Has this happened to anyone else.
A bit worried: I had some blood test results... - MPN Voice
A bit worried

There is no way to know what is going on with the increase in WBCs/neutrophils; however, what you report is consistent with your body responding to an infection. The most important thing with blood cell numbers is the trend over time. A single lab read rarely provides definitive information on which to base anything.
Hope you get a clear answer soon.
Could you have been fighting off an infection or had any flu or covid jabs lately?
My WBC has been rising over the course of this year too and was briefly above 11 but now back in the high 10’s, after many years of being around 4 to 5 and sometimes lower due to the effects of being on Pegasys.
In my case it’s my lymphocytes which are raised, currently about 8.5 (normal top of range is 4) and my haem says she will investigate further if they go over 10.
As others have said, a one-off increase in neutrophils may be a reaction to an infection but it’s important to monitor the trend to see if they return to normal or stay raised.
One advantage of having regular blood tests is that any anomalies get spotted early but the downside is we also see one off high and low cell counts that will spontaneously resolve and are of no clinical significance but can be worrying in the short term!
As others have mentioned best follow the trend as opposed to one result, it could be some sort of infection you may not be aware of. One additional point to factor in is that us with MPN can see a bigger jump in whites if any infection etc than non MPN people, ie the whites are more sensitive so can jump more.