covid vaccination: I was wondering if most people... - MPN Voice

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covid vaccination

Juliet46 profile image
69 Replies

I was wondering if most people are having the covid vaccine ?

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Juliet46 profile image
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69 Replies
Cat1001954 profile image

I’m not have enough needles without more

Cat_lady52 profile image

I asked my MPN doctor and nurse last week and they said it's my choice but they would advise it, as my blood is wonky and obviously not working correctly. I'm only on Aspirin, watch and wait.

john0084 profile image

Yes I've booked mine for tomorrow

artydutch profile image

Yes I had 8 th last week. Pfizer. Again sore arm headache for a day or so.

RCBr profile image

I had mine last week too, along with the flu vacc. Pfizer major side effects ...I was definitely encouraged to have both...and work as a nurse too x

mhos61 profile image

Yes, I am booked in at GPs for two weeks time. I’ve already had the flu vaccine at the pharmacy, as I do not like the idea of both vaccines together.

Bobadog profile image


I’ve booked my Covid and flu (together)in a couple days.

It’s your personal choice/decision,

All the very best ,


HazeBlue profile image
HazeBlue in reply to Bobadog

My specialist advised have them two weeks apart but I’m only having flu one .

ladydriva profile image

I’ve just had my 7th( didnt have the spring booster) and I’m ET, on aspirin and watch and wait.

Sore arm n headache afterwards.

I work as a nurse so think its for the best I at least try and help myself and the nhs .. way i see it is if i became very unwell with covid and need a bed its taking 1 away from another unwell patient. If i can try and stop that by having the vax then i have to.

Just my thoughts

Paul_1971 profile image

Yes, I did think about not having it earlier in year but the my sister in law who skipped a couple had it and was very sick so I decided to keep going with it

MCW22 profile image

I had the autumn booster on Friday at a local pharmacy. No side effects so far. I missed the spring booster because they had stopped offering it locally and I wasn't prepared to travel.

Had the flu vaccination a couple of weeks ago, very weird feeling in neck and shoulder straight after, followed over the next few days by headache, painful arm and a bruise at the injection site. First time I've ever had this sort of effects from the flu jab.

AndyT profile image

I had mine and flu jab last week - no side effects from either and it seems sensible to stay protected 🤞

Ebot profile image

I had mine the week before last. People seem to be getting sick with Covid and I’m doing my best to stay healthy! Bit headachey and sore arm for the week. Had flu jab yesterday and seem to have no side effects at all. (Is that good news?!!)

janetmcg profile image

I have had the Covid, just a sore arm. Flu booked for tomorrow and my second Shingrex on Wednesday! We can’t have the normal shingles vaccine as it is a live one. Rather have the jabs than the illnesses. Had Covid in March this year and had the antivirals so I didn’t go past the bad old stage thank goodness. Good luck.

Brendaf profile image
Brendaf in reply to janetmcg

Hi Janetmcg I had my first shingles jab last Thursday but my arm is so painful swollen and red hot. Is this normal do you think ?having my second around December.

AnBee profile image

as it does not prevent you from getting or transmitting it and you are told to take it every 3-6 months. Seems quite ineffective and useless. I take high doses Vit c and D plus zinc for a few days if feeling a bit ill. I have never had the virus.

Mirror368 profile image
Mirror368 in reply to AnBee

What are you told to take every 3-6 months? We live in the United States and are just now getting a yearly Covid booster for the new variant.

AnBee profile image
AnBee in reply to Mirror368

That most recent one was tested on 10 mice and no humans and no idea of effectiveness. Truly. Try Vit D and Zinc etc.

Juliet46 profile image
Juliet46 in reply to AnBee


Aldebaran25 profile image

was advised by MPN consultant to have it and so I did, last week. All fine but for a sore arm.

Flu next week.

Mustang50 profile image

Yes had both Covid and flu jab last week .

Rachelthepotter profile image


HoundSept2022 profile image

Yes. Booked for 10 days time. Had flu jab yesterday. The spring Covid booster made me feel very unwell. I thought I was having a heart attack, but once I put two and two together I stopped worrying. I'd rather have nasty side effects from a jab than Covid again. On HU and aspirin.

MWxxxx profile image

Yes, I also had it last week. There were big queues at my local vaccination centre so obviously people are still keen to get the boosters. I had no real side effects, maybe a little more tired but that could be imagined. I know it doesn't necessarily stop you from getting the virus but it adds another layer of protection and makes me feel a little more confident. I am having my flu vaccine in a couple of weeks because I don't always react well to vaccines (any) so I feel happier spacing them out.

Orangeboykitty profile image

NO!!! I wouldn't touch the stuff. I never have.

jointpain profile image

Being in Wales, one has to be invited, still waiting here.

mark382 profile image
mark382 in reply to jointpain

I'm in Wales and had flu jab yesterday and Covid next Saturday.

jointpain profile image
jointpain in reply to mark382

My wife had a flu jab yesterday, and, because she asked during the jab a pneumonia jab, which she has repeatedly asked the receptionist to arrange, to only get a blank look.

Wales COVID booking, non existent
mark382 profile image
mark382 in reply to jointpain

I had pneumonia jab years again when it had been approved but doctors were doing it as a trial. I need to check if its the same vaccine.

jointpain profile image
jointpain in reply to mark382

My wife had the pneumonia jab five years ago in August, due to having a Splenectomy, as it is required every five years, she asked during July and August and September. And got it yesterday

mark382 profile image
mark382 in reply to jointpain

Didn't realise it had to be every 5 years. O was told it was a one off. Maybe your wife's circumstances are the reason why every 5 years. I'll check with GP. Thanks for info.

Foxylady0404 profile image
Foxylady0404 in reply to jointpain

Got covid and flu in couple of weeks in wales

Gaithersburg profile image

I have my 8th scheduled

kevmince profile image

yes, booked for this week , I have ET, on hydroxy, and seem to have immune system that is useless against viruses, since a cold regularly fells me , so I dread to think what covid would do to me

Mirror368 profile image
Mirror368 in reply to kevmince

I am on Hydroxyurea for ET. I also have allergies. If I start feeling like I am getting a cold I take 500 mg vitamin C, one Tylenol, and 50 mg zinc. Sometimes it stops the cold.

Garstongal profile image

Yes, had my 8th a fortnight ago. Recommended by the haematologist. Have had Covid in the past but not badly…could have been much worse without the vaccinations!

mark382 profile image

Yes, booked for next Saturday. I'm told I'm immunosuppressive. I'm on Aspirin and venesections for PV. Personally I think there's more to this Covid than they are letting on. How many flu jabs do I have - one a year. How many Covid jabs do I have- 2 a year. Vaccines as a kid protect you for life. So why is covid jab not long lasting. While it's available and as far as I can see does no harm I'll have it. I can't be I'll as I'm 24/7 carer for my wife- who'd want to come into a house with covid to look after her. By the way I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Just try to have a pragmatic look at things. It's everyone's choice.

gilded profile image

I have just had another booster.

azaelea profile image

Yes, having mine on Tuesday and booking Flu jab for later in month. Have had all 7 Covid up to now. G.P.’s surgery doing them during October. I’ve made sure they haven’t forgotten me. I have ET and on H U. Received 2 texts from NHS saying I should book.

Hydrox profile image

Having my 8th next week, plus flu vac, had covid twice now, both mild, thank goodness. My husband has had covid twice and poorly both times. Luck of the draw I suppose.

DC1916 profile image

Yes, I had COVID vaccination on Friday.

Lemon123 profile image

I had 'flu and Covid jabs last week. Mildly achey and sore arms for a day or two.

It is a personal choice though.

kamiilos profile image

Had only 2 shots during lockdown just to be allowed out for shopping and restaurants. Now I think at times it was the reason to trigger my Jak2 mutation.

Wyebird profile image

I will but not at the moment. Hubby in hospital and I’m always really I’ll for a few days with it so will wait

RazB profile image

hi, I had mine on Tuesday, think it’s the 5th or 6th one I’ve had! I was fine, quite tired on Weds so had a very slow day but fine by Thurs. x

Jelbea profile image

I have had all jabs up until now but each time my neuropathy in feet and ankles flared up and did not go back to pre-jab level. Spoke to my MPN specialist and her advice was that it was my choice but if I felt the neuropathy was worse then think carefully before getting the jab. Apparently the covid vaccines can cause more inflammation in neurological illnesses.

Carol0925 profile image
Carol0925 in reply to Jelbea

Interesting, I suffer from chronic nerve pain, not PN though. I have Tarlov Cysts on my tail bone which cause all sorts of problems in buttocks, both legs into feet 😔

Juliet46 profile image
Juliet46 in reply to Jelbea

That’s kind of made up my mind . Thanks for your reply

I recently (Aug) had Covid for the first time. I now have natural immunity and will not be vaccinated. I have not had any of the shots

Mica11 profile image

I've decided against having any more Covid vaccines, missed the last one due to having Covid at the time which wasn't too bad compared to some.

Mcrg profile image

Had mine last week.

Cookiewoman profile image

Yes I’m scheduled for Tuesday for Covid and Flu vaccines. The Dr also recommended an RSV vaccine so I’ll schedule that in about a week or two.

Mirror368 profile image

MY hematologist said to get Covid, Flu and RSV. She said to get each two weeks apart.

Ccsintx profile image

No I don’t plan to Interesting to me how people will get the vaccine and then also talk about how they had COVID. Once there were blood clot problems with some of the vaccines, it helped me know I had done the right thing. I have never had a vaccine. And yes I had COVID once but it wasn’t bad.

I think most the people I know have only had one or two shots. No one that I know in the USA is having 7 or 8. Just my experience.

BlackOrangeCat profile image

Enough needles, but yes, I had Pfizer last week. All ?4? have been Pfizer, sore arm only each time. Flu jab in about a week. Was previously entitled to flu jab as my elderly mother lived with me pre-PV diagnosis (diagnosed 2 months ago, currently on aspirin, blood tests, venesection). 3 reasons to take - I’m now a shielding category, I work with children, visit my mother in her care home. Worked all through pandemic, haven’t had Covid, now feel that whatever protection this may give is prudent (allergic to penicillin). Hope that helps, Juliet46.

Cokopops profile image

Yes, I was advised to have it.

Minify profile image

Yes. I’ve had all the recommended Covid shots. I’ve never had Covid and I don’t want to!

Katyak profile image

Yes, absolutely - I'm booked in this week. Still view it as a privilege to be able to access it and very grateful that I get to protect myself (if only a little bit) against something that could potentially be very harmful.

2408 profile image

Booked for Flu and COVID jabs for next week.I take X 2 Panadol prior to ease possible headaches/temp.

CooperS1 profile image

Hi Juliet46

I had mine last week, along with my flu jab - one in each arm! Pleased to say apart from achey arms for 24hrs, as with previous covid jabs, all was well.

I’ve had all the covid jabs / boosters when offered. I’d rather not risk potential complications from getting covid and not being vaccinated.

All down to personal choice though.

Kind regards.


Rastavapa profile image

Never had any covid or flu vaxs, never will, had flu once in my life never had covid, i've run out of fingers for family and friends who have had serious life changing problems because of recent vaccines .....

Mabellucie profile image

No not me - was advised not to with ET! My ET developed immediately after my first Vaccine!

Adlon57 profile image

I'm having the flu and covid vaccine on 7th Oct. a bit worried I had a serious reaction to the first AZ vaccine in 2021, practically lost use of left arm, reaction to my Schwannomatosis NF3, where injected, but subsequent boosters with different vaccines no problem, had flu injections for years no problem! Left arm about 85% use now, muscles had lost use, skin hanging off, shaking hand, heart flutters, but despite all, never had covid itself!

Exeter21 profile image

Still dubious on effectiveness of injection on these numerous variants. I caught Covid a few weeks after the injection . Julia .

shoppingtrolley profile image

My OH (with CLL) has been advised not to by his haematologist - he nearly died from dreadful Covid in 2020, had one vaccine in 2021 but had a huge reaction (ambulance to Urgences), another jab and another dreadful reaction. Haematologist said not to have further jabs, that they would sort out antivirals again (he's had Paxlovid twice as well after positive tests) if necessary.

Mardihel profile image

Yes I had both covid and flu on Saturday, one in each arm. Took 2 paracetamol when got home and rubbed each arm with ibuprofen gel, felt bit weary Sunday but fine today.

Barbiebreath profile image

Not me.

Spanelmad profile image

Not booked yet but was advised to have it.But have had shingles and flu to no I'll effect.

dancingfiend profile image

At my precious annual Guy's Hospital review this week, I was strongly advised to take the 8th dose of the Covid vaccine booster! Booked ...

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