I went to the local walk in centre for my 4th jab today armed with every bit of paperwork I could think of just in case there was any doubt I should have it. I told them why I was there and was amazed that they didn’t even ask why I needed it and didn’t ask for any proof! In and out in 5 minutes 😃
4th Vaccination : I went to the local walk in... - MPN Voice
4th Vaccination

Happy Days pleased you got sorted out, , it's great when a plan comes together and things run smoothly, which they often don't in MPN world.
I had same experience and GP had refused to do letter so I could go to any walk in centre, but when I went there were no questions and I got it in the week I was due to have it.

Same here Nick - in fact slightly different in that my gp surgery phoned me. Slight after effect in shivers headache tinnitus ( none before all Pfizer) but nothing that paracetamol couldn’t sort. God knows why Novax won’t have his. Cheeky beggar. I hope he’s banned from every other tournament this year! In fact I ve emailed Sally Bolton ceo of Wimbledon to say so. Hurrah!
Hi Lou same side effects here during the night but feeling much better this morning apart from a sore arm which is a bit of a nuisance as I am on crutches after fracturing my ankle on New Year’s Day! What a start to the new year 🤦♀️. You made me smile about Novak, I couldn’t agree more.
Karen x
Hi KarenOh no! My husband slipped on a muddy walk and has his lover leg in a large pot.
Detached fibula from tibia. X Ray, they kept him in from Thursday until Sunday when they finally squeezed him in for an op after he threatened to walk out. He said it was like a farce. The chap in the bed next to him was in with gun shot wounds ( we live in Cumbria - this was Lancaster infirmary) he walked out at 5, went home for a takeaway then came back. Obviously thought it was a hotel. They should have told him to go back home.
The chap opposite was a homeless chap, poor man. He shouted and coughed all night, then fell out of bed and died.
Honestly you couldn’t make it up.
What’s the world coming to? Thank heavens we didn’t get Covid I say.
So sorry to her about your husband. He has my sympathy. I broke the side of the bulb at the bottom of the fibula clean off. They said it was borderline needing surgery but they decided to leave it a week and re-X-ray. Fortunately it had stayed in place and was starting to heal. Sounds your husbands experience in the hospital was a real farce! They should definitely have sent the gun shot guy home and let him get on with it! That poor old homeless chap - what a terrible end to a life. Hope your hubby recovers soon. It’s so frustrating not being able to get on and do things. Mind you I should be used to it - this is my 3rd fracture in 3.5 years! I am so clumsy! x
Oh lord! You sound like Steve! He fell off his bike and broke his arm ( had his eyes on the pasties in the pie shop😂) then walked down a slippery rock ( I mean why would you?) and not only broke his arm but dislocated it at the same time poor chap. Ah well. At least he hasn’t got osteoporosis x
Oh my days!I’m glad it’s not just me! I broke my shoulder, followed by wrist (double fracture with surgery) almost a year to the day later. Alan wouldn’t let me out of the door the following June. He says I am working my way around the body. At least I managed 18 months before the latest one. Like Steve, I don’t have osteoporosis thank goodness, though I think that proves I am just clumsy x
Hi Nickthedevil,How long did you have to wait between 3rd jab and the 4th? Is there a set time limit?
Thank you. Having now read blood cancer.org.uk I now also realise that I should have had a full moderna vaccine 3rd jab (was only given a regular persons half measure)…but that won’t be a problem for getting a 4th jab, which will be known as my 2nd booster…
Now I just have to get the relevant paperwork…