Is anyone on turmeric? I'm taking baby aspirin for PV but want to take turmeric for it's anti-inflammatory properties. I've read that turmeric is also a blood thinner so wasn't sure if this may be too much & increase my risk for a brain bleed
Turmeric: Is anyone on turmeric? I'm taking baby... - MPN Voice

I do take both together. Potentiation of the aspirin has not been a problem for me. Note that the formulation of the turmeric/curcumin makes a significant difference. Curcumin does not pass readily into the bloodstream. It is important to choose a formulation the is readily bioavailable.
Can you be specific about formulation of turmeric/curcumin? What should we be looking for? Thanks!
There are different ways to make curcumin bioavailable. One common approach is to add pipirine (black pepper extract) to the formulation. Another is to use a liposomal formulation. The latter is what I use. My Integrative Medicine doctor recommends a formulation called CurcuWIN, which is found in various brands. Offly, there is a Spring Valley brand CurcuWIN formulation available at Walmart. it is important to read labels carefully to ensure that you find a good quality curcumin formulation.
Thanks so much! One more question: is there evidence that turmeric or curcumin actually reduce inflammation?
Hi all,To complete the question: did anyone who is using curcumin did a quantitative check of the inflammatory markers before and after using a certain period of time the curcumin? And if yes, which markers did you use (IL-6, etc)?
We did check at one point, but I had already initiated treatment with curcumin at the time. I did show elevation in the antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10, one of the markers for the presence of inflammation in the body. In the past I have shown elevations in VEGF-b and cortisol.
One of the more common markers is TNF-a. This is being used in some of the MPN inflammation research. While on curcumin, my TNF-a levels are WNL. I do not know what that would be if not taking curcumin.
You are asking the very same question I hope to find an answer for. There are so many inflammatory markers/pathways that I expect it would be difficult to find one or a few to consistently measure. I have opted for a less scientific but personally important marker. I use the level of inflammation related pain I experience due to osteoarthritic/tendonitis/fascitis. I have no doubt that the curcumin helps based on this criteria.
Thank you very much for your answer! Did you try to replicate the effect by stopping it and see the effects on your pain and than taking again ?
Yes there is should you choose to look at the data. My own measure is less scientific but more important to me. I use the pain in my hands and feet from osteoarthritis, tendonitis, fascitis as a measure. I have experienced a very significant reduction in pain and improvement in functionality due to the curcumin. It makes a big difference in my quality of life.
I've been taking turmeric and low dose aspirin together for almost 10 years with no negative effects
I’ve been taking both, starting this year. Not sure about my potentiation (as Hunter mentions), but dont seem to have any adverse side effects being on low dose aspirin (75 mg) 1x/day; plus Jakafi 20mg 2x/daily
I have not taken tumeric as an on low dose aspirin but I haven't asked my haematology doctor which is probably my best plan. I used to take it until I read about blood thinners.I have MF . Next I should him.
I think you should ask your doctor to be safe. Katie
I checked with my haematology dept and Renal dept and ok to take Turmeric. I have PV and CKD.

hello ERei, you should ask your haematologist or your clinical nurse specialist about this. Best wishes, Maz
Yes I take it. Pv and on daily baby aspirin and weekly 90mcg interferon. I find turmeric with black pepper supplement hugely improves pain and stiffness in hips and knees. Even a week of not taking it turns me into a creaking wreck.
I have irreparable brain damage, caused by double epilepsy seizure, since September 2021, on the advice of Hunter I am on Turmeric with black pepper, but if possible CurcuWIN if available, I was prescribed dispersible aspirin, but my doctor agrees that might react to my epilepsy medication, I remember running to my sister's car in December 2021, the realization of being able to do so thanks to the turmeric was something to behold! The dizziness caused via the skull injury in Jan 2018 was very dramatic, diagnosed in July 2021 via a CT Scan. I in desperation tried a supermarket version of Turmeric, when caught short, a bad idea! Thanks again Hunter👍
Read about doTerras new tumeric capsules
I took it but had to stop I started to have big bruises. Do check with your consultant. I do know other have found it benificial.