Hi all I saw my Gp again regarding the ferritin I’m on and it’s a low dose and I’m only little bit low in iron but now he wants to check if I’m bleeding anywhere ? So I have to do a home poo test to rule anything else lout ! But of course I’m worried sick now 😩
iron low reason ? : Hi all I saw my Gp again... - MPN Voice
iron low reason ?

Glad to hear that the GP is following up on the low ferritin. Did you ever get the results of your entire iron panel? Crossing the iron panel with your CBCs (erythrocyte numbers) would be an important piece of the puzzle.
Glad to hear that the doc ordered an occult stool test. That is a prudent precaution. Having ET and taking antiplatelet medication both put you at risk for a GI bleed. Better safe than sorry.
Suggest not worrying overmuch. Have confidence that you will get the the bottom of the low ferritin and deal with it.
Thank you , you give good advice on here ! I also read that it can happen when on hydroxycarbamide I been on this 7 years non stop , I’m not sure about iron panel , I know the rests of my bloods are fine if that’s what you mean ?
A full iron panel involves more than just ferritin.
• Serum iron. This test measures the amount of iron in your blood.
• Serum ferritin. This test measures how much iron is stored in your body. When your iron level is low, your body will pull iron out of “storage” to use.
• Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC). This test tells how much transferrin (a protein) is free to carry iron through your blood. If your TIBC level is high, it means more transferrin is free because you have low iron.
• Unsaturated iron-binding capacity (UIBC). This test measures how much transferrin isn’t attached to iron.
• Transferrin saturation. This test measures the percentage of transferrin that is attached to iron.
Reference Ranges. Note that may vary by lab.
Ferritin 15.0 - 200.0 ng/mL
Iron 50.0 - 212.0 mcg/dL
Iron Binding Capacity 250.0 - 425.0 ug/dL
Iron, % saturation 20.0 - 50.0 %
Iron Binding Capacity 250.0 - 425.0 mcg/dL
Iron Binding Capacity (unsaturated) 155.0 - 355.0
Iron metabolism is complex. Understanding what is going on would involve looking at a number of different factors. Hopefully, your GP is consulting with the hematologist on this issue.
Hi I’m inpressed with all your info ! Did you or are you a Doctor 😀
Thanks. No, I am not a doctor. As a result of my own health journey I realized the need to educate myself about the underlying physiology related to MPNs and other health conditions. We can only make good decisions about our healthcare when we understand the decisions we are making. Understanding is the key to effectively managing a MPN. We have to educate ourselves in order to be effective as the captain of our care team.
Wishing you all the best on your journey.
Hi. I know its difficult but try not to worry. I had the exact same thing happen to me and everything was clear. Its a bit yuk but easy to do. I think because they can now send these tests out and they are relatively cheap it is a good and easy way just to make sure everything is ok. In my area they are sending them out to all over 65 year olds every two years. But they are also sending them out to those over 50 who have health conditions. So I had one at xmas because of my low ferritin and now I've just been sent another because my surgery identified me as someone with a health condition. I've just sent it back and waiting results so yes, feel a bit uneasy but think of it as routine, just to rule anything out. Good luck
Mine dropped slightly on interferon but ok again . I also read up on effects of coffee if drunk at time of eating green leafy vegetables & foods with iron stops absorption . I love coffee 🙈
Hi,I have just recently joined.(PV Jak2 +).Can I ask what blood thinner you take?Had very low Iron when I was initially prescribed Xarelto subsequently changed to Aspirin 75mgs daily.Following Endoscopy and Gastroscopy very little was seen but had a Capsule endoscopy which found the gastric bleed.Sometimes these bleeds are intermittent and different to find.I have not had any further problems.Currently on Lansoprazol daily,HU 500mgs/1000mgs daily and Aspirin 75mgs.Hopefully you find the cause and it will be treatable.It varies with each cause.