Hi, I know some of you have contacted Claire Harrison to get second opinions etc and I wondered if someone could furnish me with her email address. Many thanks.
Claire Harrison: Hi, I know some of you have... - MPN Voice
Claire Harrison

To get a referral you need to ask gp or your hospital to write. Hopefully they will be happy to , .
Thanks for that info. I was sure some people on this site had emailed Claire directly despite not having been referred by their doctor or consultant, but perhaps I got that wrong, I feel a bit uncomfortable about this but we have to look after our own interests.
I do understand. Phone contact for Guy's Haematology Department is 020 7188 2000
They will advise . And are helpful
Good luck
Yes Janis I contacted myself as Dr wouldn’t refer as said it was up to Haemotology to do so . They were not forthcoming as seemed to think I was not happy with them. They were fine but stubborn to consider new drug as other ruined my health. Professor Harrison’s secretary will still ask for a referral. I returned to Dr & insisted on opinion re my drug treatments as yes all our bodies are different & mine hates drugs 🙈. Ring Guys Haemotology they will advise 👍
Julia UK .
This is such an incredibly helpful post. Thank you as I have been wondering the exact same thing.
Thanks Julia, that gives me a good start. As yet I have not plucked up courage to ask current consultant for a referral, I was just a bit concerned when I asked about transferring to an interferon he advised 'it wasn't used much these days'...really, that's not the impression I get. Due to see him (or someone) in six weeks time to talk about the options again.
Ha he sounds totally uneducated on MPN treatment. Read up on Peg Interferon the results are excellent. He is remembering the old drug not the current one . So sad that consultants don’t educate on rare blood diseases like ours. I had same situation & some of my Drs had never heard of the complaint or how it was treated. Claire Harrison is the expert & time our UK Drs got educated on current progress on MPN treatment. Also it is for your own benefit to get advice as I was put on Hydroxy when really my platelets were not high. The drug had horrendous effects on me . Hence I stopped it. After that I read everything on all drug possibilities & got second opinion with a phone consultation from Professor Harrison a wonderful knowledgeable person . Good Luck Julia . PS don’t feel bad about asking a consultant to refer you as it’s your health & a good consultant likes another opinion .👍
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