I've been on Rux for almost two months at a relatively low dose of 10 BID (20 total /day). Got the CBC yesterday. As seen in these plots it's starting to take effect. PLT is 427, Hb is down nicely. My Dr was encouraged at the last update that it was stabilizing and now it's heading down.
The lower values toward the left are on Besremi.
My next appt is in two weeks, he might leave the dose at 10. I'm half hoping I need more Rux to go after my new primary concern of my autoimmune disease.
A question on being immunocomprimised, MDA Anderson has this:
"In cancer patients, being immunocompromised usually relates to the impairment of white blood cells, whether in number or function"
I think leukemia affects the WBC function while our treatments affect the number. Many of us have low WBC on IFN, while one can see here that my WBCs have improved greatly on Rux. Does that mean IFN is more compromising than Rux? Usually Rux is considered the larger compromiser, if so is there a measurable factor? I plan to ask my Hem this question.