I thought I’d share that the whole procedure went well. I had a twilight sedation. I felt no pain.
They explained to me that I would feel the anesthetic needle sting and pain for about 30 seconds. I only felt the first insertion prick and nothing more.
Also they said that the bone cannot be numbed so I would likely feel like a sciatic pain going down my leg and to try and keep my knees up close and still to my chest regardless.
I didn’t feel anything. I did feel the vibration of the doc ‘digging’ for the marrow which had no pain. So I feel very grateful.
The nurse asked me afterward how I fared. When I told her as the above, she said that I would have felt it tho I just don’t recall. That could be likely.
I didn’t have any pain last night or now the following day.
The operating pathology haematologist asked if I had any questions or comments and I said I had dis-ease about using a chemo pill and he said it really wasn’t a bad drug and not like regular chemotherapy drugs. He said we feel at ease giving it to babies so you really don’t need to worry.
I see my haematologist at the end of the month for the results 😃