Quite a while ago I asked my haematologist to refer me to Professor Harrison at Guys, he says he now has eventually sent a letter via ‘snail mail’ ( royal mail) about 3 weeks ago, however Professor Harrison says they haven’t received anything yet. I rang my specialist nurse and asked if it had been sent, she called me back and told me that the doctor said he had sent it, but that Guys probably wouldn’t add anything or recommend anything for my treatment!
At my last appointment I asked (again) about transplant but he just said I probably wouldn’t be suitable. I am 70 with no other major problems.
Whenever I ask for information it’s like pulling teeth! It’s like he doesn’t want me to know too much. Or that at my age I should just accept I may only have a couple of years. Whereas I would like as much info as possible.
At the moment I feel really well, I have very few M F symptoms, I am on peg interferon, I know I have the ASLX1 mutation amongst others so I feel like I have a time bomb inside me and need to find out what is in my future and what I can do about it.
I’m really feeling quite frustrated. If I don’t get any response via the hospital (nhs) I plan to pay for an appointment either in person or virtual with someone from Guys who may be able to give me more information and better advice. I don’t feel as though tiis on my side.
Rant over!