As promised here are some plots showing two counts while off IFN therapy for 3 months. Leuk were also rising nicely. I stopped Besremi at the red line, mid Jan 2023. Last dose was reduced size since I already felt off. That is the one I passed out from.
At the January time my allele was at 8%, down from 14% 11 months prior.
The top green line for PLT is the standard 450 cutoff. PLT is high but in standard range. HCT is stable at just under 45 and in fact absent the outlier low point HCT looks unaffected. . At Dx PLT was much more out of range than was HCT so I was quite surprised to see PLT not going way higher here.
No doubt these would rise at at some point. But this persistence is not known for either HU or Rux. Maybe with good allele reductions on Rux it could be similar, no data I know of.
CMPs remained all in range, but I had no trouble there while on IFN.
I won't know longer results since I'm on Rux now, in hope immune troubles will improve.
The IFN experts long discussed IFN holidays, but usually after ~2years of therapy. This is an example of some persistence after just 11 months. This is one reason I hope to get back on IFN. I guess that one needs good CHR response to benefit from this persistence.
It's interesting that my counts were way down at the time of my reaction as seen here. I suspect the vax reaction (see my posts on that) messed with both IFN-a and IFN-gamma. Gamma can be a bad actor in immune troubles and vaxes can get both worked up from what I've seen. I may have had too much of a good thing here and killed the party. I wish there were standard IFN blood tests.
More broadly the lesson for my situation is to dose IFN the min required for CHR rather than go for alleged max allele effect. The Besremi study found no relation of allele to dose while there was allele to CHR as I've posted. I needed ~75 for CHR, while I was on 140. Result was regular malaise and maybe the mess I got into. Dr agrees if I resume it will be <100.