I've had my third clinic visit in six months and seen a the third different consultant and got a third opinion on starting medication for my PV!
The first visit at the end of last year to seen my newly allocated consultant for the first time since the pandemic and we discussed the symptoms which I've been having, mainly itching and she suggested that it might be time to start trying some medication. Sent me away with some information on Pegasus and Hydroxy Carbide with a view to deciding what to do at our next meeting.
Next visit, different consultant, who nobody on reception on the Haematology Unit seemed to know. She told me that I was too young to start medication and my condition was stable, but I could start if I wanted, but she didn't think I should. Also said didn't need another venesection as I was at my target level (0.45), but could have one if I wanted it.
Third visit this week and I had another junior consultant who is working under the one who I saw at the end of last year. I discussed my low ferritin levels with him and my concerns that my symptoms of itching and now restless legs may be due to low iron levels. He recommended that we look at starting medication sooner rather than later now as continuing with venesections would only end up lowering my iron levels further.
So in short, three clinic visits, three consultants, three different opinions on starting medication.
I have another clinic visit in three weeks to look at starting medication. I'm not keen on hydroxy carbide, so Pegasus would probably be my preference or maybe Jakafi, although that hasn't been offered at the moment.
Looks as though I will be starting on some kind of medication soon, but this doesn't instil much confidence.