I plan to start Besremi next week when I am off the next day. Does anyone have a suggestion on when to take it? Like at night, with or without food or does it matter. Thanks!
Besremi question : I plan to start Besremi next... - MPN Voice
Besremi question

I take my shot on Thursday late afternoon. I feel pretty well afterwards, and it has never interfered with enjoying dinner. I do find that I get tired a few hours afterwards, but then it’s almost bedtime. We really enjoy wine, but we limit that in quantity and to just a few nights per week. Thursday is one of those nights, so my “reward” following the shot is my first glass of wine for the week! I know - that’s lame - but it’s helpful.
Not lame at all! I am enjoying wine this weekend. Probably a little more than normal in preparation of cutting back after starting next Thursday. I really only have a few on the weekends. So, it will be my treat the next day too! This is very helpful. Thank you!!
I’m super paranoid about being nauseous, so I also asked my Dr to prescribe some Zofran for me to have on hand in case I experienced that side effect. I’ve experienced very mild nausea and very infrequently, and it’s been reassuring to have the Zofran on hand.
Good luck!
I expect we all handle the timing a bit differently based on how we react to the Besremi.
It is recommended that the first dose be administered in a medical setting just in case you have a very unusual strong reaction. I did my first reaction at my hematology/oncology office under observation by the infusion nurses.
I started off doing the injection mid-afternoon but have shifted to first thing in the morning. I would suggest doing the injection on a weekday during office hours for your care team, at least for the first several injections. That way you can contact your care team easily if there is an issue or you have any questions. Once you know how you react to Besremi, you can set the time to meet your own needs and preferences.
Besremi is working great for me and I have no short-term reactions to the injection. Timing for me is purely a matter of convenience. Hope you find the same to be true.
All the best
Thanks for the information and good to know you don’t really have any side effects either. Will see how it goes next week. My doc has me starting super low at 50mg then will go to 100mg. I appreciate all the tips!
Hi there I have been on Besremi for 5 months now and pleased to report that I have had no I’ll side effects. My AB was at 77% and has gone down to 43% I am both pleased with the numbers no phlebotomies needed and I feel much better. I wish you and all others that take the leap to start Besremi have the same results.
Great! I am optimistic that I will do well. Thank you for letting me know