Hi. Any reasons why my BP should drop really low 103/70? ? HT 76, O2 Sats 97.
v low BP: Hi. Any reasons why my BP should drop... - MPN Voice
v low BP
what would you have normally expected? A sudden drop in BP in the case of my wife indicated a major GI bleed, but her heart rate would also increase. It could be you were very relaxed or asleep just prior to the reading. Or, if you are on BP meds, they are too strong.
I've had issues with very low BP. It happens late at night, once went to 81/53. I can feel it as weak and dizzy. But it can go high in day so I need BP med. Your 103/70 can be common for me at night. Is yours a certain time of day? Do you take any BP meds? I take low dose of Losartan, 25.
Drs are not too worried, but less variation would be nice. I suspect the MPN is messing with it.
The significance depends on your normal resting BP. If this is a significant drop for you, then it is something to discuss with your care team, even though it is not low enough to be hypotension (90/60). There are a number of causes for a drop in BP, including dehydration, medications and some medical conditions. it certainly is worth a follow up just to be sure.
When I was younger I had low BP and I would get a 20+ point shift that would drop it even lower than your readings. Doctors and nurses never seemed concerned. As Hunter says, it is not hypotension, however, I would say based on experience to be aware of the possibility of sudden dizzy spells and be careful on standing suddenly.
However, whether or not you should be concerned would depend on whether or not this a sudden or gradual change, is it continuing to stay low or is this a single occurrence, and/or has there been any changes in your medications that could account for the change.
But that is based on what I would consider my normal BP and past history. IF I had high blood pressure that suddenly went that low, I'd send a message to my doctor.
Hi mine did last week too!
Dr said stop taking Bisoprolol at night but keep up with CCH Diltiazem morning.
But in checking it at 5pm. I was high @ 150/90s. H/R OK at 90s.
Why not sure but I've told her that I will take 1/2. Also the BB keeps my essential tremor at bay.
Could have been on the 2 days prior night the 'Posh Nosh" food didn't agree with Curry Chicken and at 1am it told me, and 7.30am.
I will keep taking it at rest am and pm to keep an eye on it.
Monitor yourself.
cheers JOY. 73. (NZ)