A fairly recent report discusses how IFN works against the mutation. I posted in a thread, but seems worth a top post. It's complex stuff but seems consistent.
-In sum, it seems IFN forces damage to otherwise hidden Jak2's by stirring things up, but mutant ones fail faster once stirred.
Normal marrow stem cells (HSC) stay quiet, unless and until something requires action like infection or chronic blood loss. Then they wake and produce blood cells or more stem cells. It seems mutant ones also stay relatively quiet at least in this context.
In several reports, IFN causes HSC to exit this quiet (quiescence) state and become active without those natural causes. Both normal (wild type, WT) and mutated Jak2 (v617f) are stimulated this way. But the v617f ones wake up more and get more DNA damage once they wake up and thus die out faster than WT cells. So we need to lose both good and bad Jak2's to be rid of the bad:
"peg-IFN-α treated Jak2+/VF LT-HSCs (mutant Jak2s) showed greater reduction in quiescence and greater accumulation in G1 phase (a growth stage in cells, G0 is no action) , higher ROS (oxidation stress) production and more DNA damage compared with peg-IFN-α treated WT LT-HSCs"
So the good jak2s also activate but the bad ones go nuts and wear out.
Implication is if one has a mutant burden of 100% this process won't work since there are no WT Jak2s to waken. But this is not addressed.
In this report immune response is not a focus, no doubt this is involved in these processes.
This report also has a good quality comparison of Rux and IFN for allele reduction with the note "(Rux) patients with JAK2V617F show only minor reductions in mutant allelic burden, even after long-term treatment, suggesting that ruxolitinib is unable to eradicate MPN disease-initiating cells." I've seen this in other reports, Rux can reduce allele but not as often nor as much on average. Their intent is to contrast this result with IFN. But the effect on spleen was quite good.
They cited this one, which supports that forcing HSCs to wake up damages all HSC types, this is in context of getting old normally:
"Repeated activation of HSCs out of their dormant state provoked the attrition of normal HSCs"
Other reports suggest the old non-Peg IFN stirred things up too often and the HSCs eventually stopped waking up, but PEG IFN gives enough time between doses for recovery and fresh HSC waking. This could support longer dose intervals if we have the option.