Hi everyone. Apologies for two questions today but I would like to hear from anyone who has braved the outside world and lived to tell the tale! Like many of us here I have been sheilding for the last two years, not even going to the local shop. However, I have tickets for a theatre show during half term and my children are desperate for me to go. Since theatres have reopened they have been going on their own, but this used to be a real family occasion for us and they want me to go with them. Obviously a theatre is probably one of the most risky places to go but on the other hand, with all restrictions due to come to an end in England (including the need to self isolate if testing positive) I am thinking this could be the last chance for me before I need to build a nuclear bunker in the garden and retreat there for the rest of my days! I have now had four vaccines and I am still within the 10 weeks of my last one, so with no other plans from our government regarding immunosuppressed people I feel I am as protected as I am every going to be. I am considering going - its an end of aisle seat, near the back of the theatre - and I would wear an FFP3 mask. Part of me thinks that there is no escape from this disease and no desire in our country to support those of us at risk, so would it be better to catch covid now whilst I still have some protection from my vaccine, rather than wait until the summer when any protection from my vaccine will probably have waned to the point where it will no longer offer any protection? I am not looking for advice, I know it has to be my decision but I am interested in people's thoughts and what others are doing?
Venturing out? : Hi everyone. Apologies for two... - MPN Voice
Venturing out?

Hi, I think you really have to make up your own mind what you are comfortable with. I have had 4 jabs, I went to the theatre in Plymouth a couple of weeks ago, a very small theatre and seats close together. I go shopping and have been out for lunch with friends. I have also attended a couple hospital appointments and a day procedure. Basically, I do what I am comfortable with and take care, hand gel etc.
I would say go and enjoy yourself but if it makes you too anxious it's probably not worth it.
Best wishes
Hi i also think its what you are comfortable doing. Ive worked through this whole pandemic in a hospital seeing patients every day. I go shopping and go out socially sometimes. Ive even started up my gym membership again - i haven't been to gym yet but im hoping to go within the next couple of weeks.
When im out i wear my mask and gel/ wash my hands at all the appropriate times.
Somethings make me uncomfortable and I know im now quite ready to do them yet but that might change.
Im fully vaccinated 4 jabs and so far ive not had covid (that could change at any moment) I watched my dad die from covid before there was any vaccinations so every decision that i make to step outside my front door i make with careful thought and deliberation and take all the precaution i can.
Best wishes
J x
I have been going out for a while now, this isn't going away, it's going to be around possibly forever.
The risk now is low, its probably as risky now as flu would normally be, I guess the way I look at it is would I be wary about going out in a usual flu season ? I know I wouldn't.
I don't personally think the daily narrative on cases and deaths helps anymore, if we published daily flu deaths in normal years it would have us fearful of stepping out the door.
We all have to do what we think is right for us and my reasoning is my own only but it is how I see it and therefore I'm not shielding anymore at all.
To be fair I was given confidence personally by the fact my wife got covid and I avoided catching it living under the same roof, maybe it's false optimism but it gave me confidence that my immune system maybe isn't as bad as I might actually think.
But if you don't feel confident yet then make the right choice for you, how you feel is the most important thing.
All the best
I agree with all responses. Do what you feel is right at the time . You may feel nervous sometimes but that's normal, especially as you have been staying in .
Enjoy ...x
Unless you have been advised to stay away from crowds then I would urge you to take that seat, switch off the anxiety and enjoy the show.
My son works in a theatre and you wouldnโt believe the struggle they had to go through to get them reopened and the constant effort and cost around safety to keep them open. Apparently the appreciation from audiences has been both overwhelming and unforgettable at times.
Me... some weeks ago I spent 7 hrs in a heaving A&E dept with a fractured arm. Distancing wasnโt possible it was so busy. By necessity Iโm now using buses and trains most days and I live in a busy area. No problem so far.
Iโm not sure what your medical condition is so your doctor is the best to give you advice. I have ET with the Jak2 and I have never stayed home. I have had Covid twice and came through fine. I have had 2 vaccine shots. Iโm 67 years old and want to live my life. Hope that helps to give you perspective.
Iโve had 3 vaccines, but have been going out regularly. We try to eat outside mostly but if the restaurant is not crowded, sometimes we even eat inside. We would bring our own wipes and clean the table ourselves before we ate and also our chairs. I have not been to any shows but I know people who have and the theaters are not crowded, so in some instances, you might be able to social distance.
Itโs a personal decision, of course, and everyone has different levels of comfort in this pandemic. You have to do what feels right for you.
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Seems I have been hibernating more than many here! So reassuring to here people are getting out and about a little. Our seats are close to the back of the theatre so only one row behind us and I plan to wear an FFP3 mask, so I think it may be time to give it a try. It is mostly for my children, who have missed out on building those family memories with me so I think it is important to make an effort.
I was out and about a fair bit during this pandemic, being careful of course. I did not contract COVID until recently when caring for my Mother in a Rehab facility and the ER. Turns out the Rehab was a hotbed of COVID. I doubtless was exposed there.
The Rehab facility was an awful place. My Mother would likely not have survived that place had I not been there. Even assuming that is where I got COVID, I would not change my decision to go there to take care of her. Some risks are worth taking.
My take on this is that we cannot shield ourselves forever. COVID is not going to go away any more the influenza ever will. It will continue to mutate, ebb and resurge, just like the flu. We will all eventually be exposed unless we live the rest of our lives in a sterile bubble. All we can do is to protect ourselves the best we can and use a bit of common sense.
Note that i did survive COVID with only moderate symptoms. I had three full doses of Moderna. It lasted 12 days and left me with a bit of lingering fatigue. I really do not feel like I have fared any worse than someone without a MPN. Not that I had COVID and received monoclonal antibodies, for now I am about as immune as anyone can be. I am out and about again, taking reasonable precautions. Once the current Omicron surge peters out, i plan to return close to life as normal. A new normal perhaps.
For myself, I would consider going to a theatre providing reasonable precautions are in place. You will have to decide what level of risk you are comfortable with and when you are willing to take it.
All the best.
I make decisions on each situation. So I go to places where I feel comfortable and the risk is reasonably low, but I am still avoiding crowded indoor events. I have been to the theatre and felt very comfortable. It was an amazing happy experience. I attend hospital appointments and sing in a choir. I have had covid twice (once was before first lockdown) and am 4 times jabbed. The decision is definitely individual to each if us. Good luck.
HiHave booked 2 theatre visits for March/May- I have E. T (my bloods are good at the moment)
I know you are in a different position to myself but I am an elderly 77 yr old-Covid has not made me frightened to go out-I could not wait to get out and about have been going to lunches etc etc since last year!
I am not missing masks at all! I hate them !!! ugh-make my face sore and my breathing also, as have rhinitis and they make nose run!
Enjoy your trip- try not to think about what might be ....
I have had 2 different cancers over last 6/7 years and the E.T is the 2nd one.(Had colon cancer first).I want to live to enjoy the rest of my life and you should do the same. enjoy everything you can!
Best wishes for your theatre visit! Ratton726
I haven't shielded at all, just managed with mask, gel and distancing. I did take my grandson to ballpit saturday and almost turned round it was so packed no masks. Life needs living we just have to do what is safe for us.
Enjoy your day out. I've tried getting my husband out and it's near impossible. It's visit to hospital dentist and doctors. He's been to the big shops 3 or 4 times. Been to daughters around 3 times since this all started. Before this began we went cruising, days out, shopping etc. He listens to all the news about COVID. We (daughters as well) have tried to talk him into going out for meals etc but he's refused. He would happily live in his own little bubble. So enjoy spending time with your family building happy memories. X
Very difficult for you the cruise/ ferry ship Iโm going on tomorrow is only 60% occupancy because of covid. Will you go away without him?
No there's two reasons for this is. I need to remind him to do things and get his meds ready everyday. He's so forgetful. Also neither my daughters would take on the care of day to day. They have seen first hand how nasty he's become. Nothing like he was years ago before he became ill. Xx
I haven't shielded, at all I take precaution s mask hand gel but I live normally been to the theatre 3 times been on a plane to Cyprus I am triple jabbed ET jak 2 make your own choices what you are happy to do,I go for meals hospital dentist church days out with grandchildren
You really do need to start going out! It's been a miserable existence shielding, especially for those of us who live alone. Just take precautionary measures and get on with enjoying your life ๐
I personally have never sheilded and lived my life as normal as can be ,I've not stopped going out or seeing anyone as having a serious illness makes me think life is too short anyhow to restrict what we do in our lives.I would say go out and enjoy your time with your family and go to the theatre who knows it may all be closed again at some point . Wear a mask if it makes you feel a bit safer but to make you feel a little better I have never worn one or social distanced and I have had ET for over twenty years and MF calr but I don't let it stop me from going out and living the best life I can while I still can .
The greatest mistake we make is the contanst fear we are going to make one .
We also have to be careful that we don't stay indoors too much or we will never have any built up immune system to fight even the simplest of colds or viruses .
Take it easy
Hi I took the decision early on that life was for living, I followed all the rules and guidelines and still wear a mask when in confined spaces. Yes, after two jabs I caught covid. In November I went to Kenya on safari but refused to stay with friends for fear of transmitting covid. To day Iโm off down to London in preparation for my flight tomorrow to Norway where I will board a hurtigruten ferry.
My biggest fear is being tested when I land in Bergen and failing it.
My opinion is mine and mine alone.
I believe this virus will always be with us. Especially when many people refuse to get their jabs.
Good luck with what ever you decide.
In addition to my reply Iโd like to say I had covid for about 5 days but had to shield for 10. 2 months later I caught a moderate chest cold that lingered for 6 weeks. 10 weeks later I still have a croaky voice. Iโve been told many people now have low immunity because of shielding
Thanks again everyone. It is lovely to hear everyone's stories of what they have been doing. So many brave people. Someone here mentioned the risks of staying sheilded and then losing immunity to common colds and viruses - this is something I am very aware of and it does concern me. Prior to covid I hardly ever used disinfectant, prefering hot soapy water for cleaning and thought it was a good thing to expose yourself to germs. So I recognise the need to start getting out more.
Greetings from rural Ireland! I share your concerns about Covid. I have been going out to our local shops and limiting visits to the larger stores in the bigger cities. I still go to them but not often. I always wear my mask. I do not wear one while walking my dog be side I only meet cows, horses and other dogs. On occasion I meet a neighbor neither of us wear masks all of us are fully vaccinated. I always social distance and frequently wash my hands. Hope this helps you๐๐๐ป
My partner has planned a trip abroad next month. I have invested in a box of FPP2 masks to wear in the airport and on the plane (and any other crowded place). If anyone remarks that wearing masks is now unnecessary, I shall say that I'm protecting myself - not others. You are right - I feel forgotten, but have never let it worry me too much, as we live in a fairly isolated spot and we go out in the car and it's usually to a clinic for my partner, so I sit in the car and read. We have been out to small birthday bashes and have been ok so far. I have had four jabs and my immune system has always been quite good and I trust it to some extent.
Hi, it is time to start living a life. I have never stopped going out, I live alone and need to shop and to socialise. I have been sensible throughout, wearing masks, hand washing and my friends have also been very careful around me. I am a keen cyclist and wanted to continue with this which involves riding in groups and stopping at cafes, it has helped to keep me sane. I did attend a concert a few months ago and felt a bit vulnerable particularly since many people were not wearing masks but I survived. Just be aware, wash the hands often, wear the mask when appropriate and enjoy some life . How long is a bit of string, this thing could go on for years, I think hiding away will not allow us to build any immunity. Enjoy!!
Hi, I can relate to your anxieties as I feel similar. I don't think it helps when we get information indicating that we should continue wearing masks, hand sanitise and avoid groups of people in enclosed spaces whereas official public/political statements imply it's all over. This is as per a recent question in the House of Lords regarding what the current official advice is for people like us (3.7m in the UK) highlighted here as reported on the inews website a few weeks ago. I also don't think it helps when the actions of your haematology dept. contradict the information given out by Blood Cancer UK etc. regarding being eligible for anti-virals (as per your other question to HU). This in my view only adds to the anxieties rather than ease them. I wonder as well whether those people who are risk averse (like me) will be more concerned and affected by this compared to those who aren't or are less so. My understanding is that theatres have taken a number of precautions to ensure there's good ventilation and you are taking precautions such as wearing FFP3 masks to help protect yourself. This might be less risky than, say, being in a small restaurant with lots of people talking and you wouldn't be wearing a mask. I suppose we do have to take steps to re-engage with the world but for some it can be difficult, especially after these 2 years. I also wonder if taking some graded exposure steps might help ease your anxieties by starting to engage in activities that are not too challenging/risky but little and often so you can get used to things. It is interesting how we can do certain things that have risk (such as driving) without a second thought but can be scared of other things that may have a lower risk (I don't know what the actual rates would be between driving and currently going to the theatre!). As the others have said each person has to make their own decisions and sadly responsibility for our health safety has now been very much dumped in our laps without any apparent official acknowledgement of our situation or information to the general public. Failing everything else, perhaps start bulk buying cement for your bunker! Good luck but hope you enjoy the show.
I have been out and about, including going to small theaters. In one theater they were very careful to separate groups, in another, the space was too small. I would plan to go, but also have a plan to leave and wait for your kids elsewhere if the space feels uncomfortably crowded for you.
I have ET Jak 2+, COPD, Epilepsy and type 2 diabetes. I have worked 2 jobs with children all the way through the pandemic. I have recently been a close contact of 4 different positive people, sitting next to them for hours shut in a school bus and also in a school and I am still negative. I too like you have had 4 jabs. I can only assume that they give you very good protection. I think that after all that time of shutting yourself away maybe you should go to the theatre and enjoy yourself, put covid to the back of your mind and have some quality family time. I think with 4 jabs we are fairly well protected. I think covid is here to stay. Obviously only go if you feel comfortable with it, Iโm sure you will really enjoy it.
Good luck if you go.
Best wishes
I understand your anxiety but like others have said its about personal choice and only you can make the decision and you should only do what you feel comfortable with. I have PV jak2+ and during the pandemic was diagnosed with low grade lymphoma and more recently polymyalgia rheumatica for which Im taking long term predesalone. I did isolate at the beginning of the pandemic but I'm out and about now and have been for some time. I got covid last November and I came through๐ I wasn't taking predesalone at the time. However I like others have said think life is too short and so for me I've decided to try and carry on as normal as possible with sensible precautions where I can. I have a large family of all ages and I mix with them all. I go shopping and have recently started eating out again which I really enjoy. I've had three vacs up to now and covid so I guess I'm as protected as I can be.
Kind regards
I do fear Covid a lot, as in some of my other posts.
I found a good comfortable fitting N95 mask (FFP2) and felt ok on essential errands at the height of Omicron. I had a cardiac ultra sound with a tech that was clearly ill right next to me(yes I should have objected) and it seems the mask worked.
If you want protection this way, be sure the nose sides are fitted with the metal wire. I see very few masks fitted well in this part. The big opening beside the nose in most users could explain the inconsistent protection seen with masking in general.
Ratsavapa and others here make the good point that all the shielding is trashing our immune system updates. This topic has been in the news. I'm ready to get out more now.
I have ET & been going out as usual - I sanitize everything but I know we can't stop the virus flying about. I wear a good quality mask & am lucky enough to have been to Spain & Greece without catching anything nasty. I clean seats on the plane & at the airport & change my mask for the plane journey. If you are very careful at the theatre you should be fine ... lots of luck with your decision & have an amazing time if you chose to go to the theatre....
I live in Northern Ireland feel very similar about your diagnosis of the general situation. I have terminal epilepsy [the next one will your last, etc] I suppose being a claustrophobic I would do the opposite, emigrate! I have had all the prescribed jabs etc, I would rather go on a desert beach, I am not afraid to die, have got all my personal beliefs sorted, so if I did 'go' on a desert beach, at least I would 'go' with a smile on my face!๐๐