Government text : Good morning everyone hope you... - MPN Voice

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Government text

Poppy6060 profile image
34 Replies

Good morning everyone hope you all well and keeping safe this morning I received a government text saying to shield until 30th June I did also get the letter I feel this will make things easier telling family and friends but do feel a little sad has it seems such a long way off by the end of June I would have been in isolation 17 weeks but better to be safe than sorry . Have many of you received this text I do go for a walk twice a week very early morning take care have a good day

Poppy xx

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Poppy6060 profile image
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34 Replies
Paul_1971 profile image

hey, yes me too.

piggie50 profile image

Hi Poppy,

Strangely, I caught the tail end of a conversation with a GP on BBC this morning. She said the 12 week shielding has now been extended to the end of June. I haven’t been able to find anything online regarding this, but now you have had a text I’m thinking this must be correct.

Judy x

piggie50 profile image

Just found it on

“The Government is currently advising people to shield until the end of June and is regularly monitoring this position.”

linphy profile image

Hi Poppy, I received a tx this morning, saying to shield until 30th June, I have been shielding since 18th March. I am due to speak to my consultant next Thursday see what she says. My work manager rang me yesterday informed me shielding had been extended, I hadn't heard and couldn't find any information about it.


Poppy6060 profile image
Poppy6060 in reply to linphy

Hi thank you all for replying it was a surprise to me has I hadn’t heard anything be interesting to see what your consultant says linphy and we will find out more on Sunday best wishes Poppy xx

linphy profile image
linphy in reply to Poppy6060

Hi Poppy hope you're safe and well, spoke to my consultant yesterday, she said shielding is until 30th June but I think we all know that now x

linphy profile image

I'll let you know what my consultant says.

Take care x

MamPRV profile image

Hi I got the text this morning too xxx

Tertia3 profile image

Same here.

MistyBlue2 profile image

Hi Poppy & All,

I never got the letter, never mind a text - but is this because my PV is only treated with aspirin so far?

When I had a phone consultation with my hospital, I was told I was at no greater risk than the general public.

Are those of you with texts/letters all taking HU etc?


Sanga profile image
Sanga in reply to MistyBlue2

I’m the same as you ie PV only taking aspirin. I understand we are at no more risk than general public. My son goes to work still and I’ve wondered about this. He is very careful tho, taking clothes off and washing when he gets home. We regularly alcohol wipe down handles etc in the house. We tend not to hug.

Although I recognise I am at not high risk of catching it, it’s more about if I do catch it am I more likely to get seriously ill and risk of blood clots due to having PV.

It doesn’t seem this is an answerable question so I just keep as safe as possible.

Sanga x

mark382 profile image
mark382 in reply to Sanga

I have PV and on aspirin and venesection. No letter or text

Tertia3 profile image
Tertia3 in reply to MistyBlue2

Hi MistyBlue2,

Yes, I am on aspirin and Hydroxycarbamide tablets for ET Jak2+. I self registered and have since received a letter and a text telling me to "shield."

KC63 profile image

Hi Poppy I received text yesterday as well. I'm not sure if it is because of updated data. I self registered on government website a while ago and on the back of that my GP sent text saying he didn't think I was at risk, then another one to discuss with my consultant. I didn't as can work from home and was staying in. The only difference now is should my husband still be going out to work? I have PV and aspirin only. Fortunately had my last venesection just before lock down! Best wishes Karen

Camelian profile image
Camelian in reply to KC63

Hi KC63

I'm in a similar situation to you I have ET jak2+ on aspirin alone and have been told I'm not at higher risk yet I've read numerous posts where people with ET on aspirin alone no other health issues have been told to sheild? I've been isolating anyway due to the mixed messages. Like you though my husband is still working and I too have been wondering if he should be? We do try to keep separate in the house but it's very difficult do you mind me asking how you are managing this?

Kind regards

KC63 profile image
KC63 in reply to Camelian

Hi Cameliamate, I haven't really ,although we don't share the same bathroom. My 2 daughters are wfh home as well, one is a secondary school teacher and suspects she'll go back to school sometime in June, hopefully the end . It is confusing as I took from Webinar last week at no more risk than anyone else. Best Wishes Karen

swimswam profile image

Hi Poppy,

I also received the text yesterday, ( ET, on Pegasys). I must admit I was relieved as I’m in my sixties and work full time in a school. I was really worried at having to go back if schools open soon.

Nickthedevil profile image

I received the text yesterday too. I haven’t received a letter but the text said I would.


Jennytheb profile image

Hi, I got a letter dated 9 April and it said to isolate for 12 weeks from that date which take it to 2 July? Also tele from surgery and they said they think it may well be extended beyond that! I truly hope so. Very selfish of me but as long as the rest of the public is also having to have a higher isolation rate I feel safer and that its not only "me". Really missing family and especially hugs from grandchildren. Think we are still going to find out what the future path is on this. Take care all.

Jennytheb profile image

Yes I am on Hydroxy and Clopydogrel so perhaps this is the differenece?

Kizzy10 profile image

Yes I got one yesterday x

Irishgal12 profile image

I haven't r u on meds

Kizzy10 profile image
Kizzy10 in reply to Irishgal12

I am in hydroxy and asprin.

MaggieSylvie profile image

Yes, I received my text - it's quite long - on Tuesday, the same as yours. I went out in my car for the first time yesterday (almost didn't get it to start) to go to the hospital for bloods and I saw my consultant all togged up. Had an angiogram too to check palpitations but all ok and bloods all down a bit but "stable".

It does make it easier to have a date to tell people, even if that isn't written in stone.

JabON profile image

I received teh text mentioning the 30th June. I havent sen any reference to this in the press or on TV. I wondered if it was just a response to my re registering on the govt website. That appears to be the response to everything, e.g. stopping the weekly food parcel. Every time I give the same answers and wonder how it changes anything . At least I have priority slots at Tesco though Sainsburys say I havent been notified as Extremely vulnerable. My first grandchild is due 25th June so 30th June is bad news for us.

Devilgirl profile image

I got the original letter at the end of March but have not had a txt giving the 30 june however the following paragraph is on the website in the shielding guidance:

'The Government is currently advising people to shield until the end of June and is regularly monitoring this position.'

This can be read online in the HTML version but also has pdf versions to download in various languages

Poppy6060 profile image

Hi it does seem funny some of us get a text and other don’t but I feel reassured that I am getting advice even if it means not seeing family and friends for abit longer I hope soon something will be found to help everyone have a happy VE Day and thank you for all the replies it certainly helps being on this site best wishes Poppy

azaelea profile image

Hi Poppy, I had the same text 2 days ago and I've just had another today giving details if you live with someone else. This seems to be "over the top" as it tells you to sleep in separate rooms,disinfect toilet every time it's used, use the kitchen separately etc. etc. I have ET JAK2and I only live with my husband and neither of us are going out, so I'd like to know what other people's thoughts on this are.Have any of you had this new text? Fran

Poppy6060 profile image

Hi azaelea yes I had that text this morning like you it’s only me and my husband and I do enough tidying up after him already Lol

Poppy x

MCW22 profile image

I'm PV on ruxolitinib. I never got a government letter despite registering

Minu68 profile image

No letter, no text, been told am at no higher risk than general public. ET JAK2, aspirin and hydroxy... been shielding, because of the mixed messages. Don't really know what I'm supposed to do....

Self registered at the start of lock down, and have priority for supermarket deliveries. The Webinar said its individual decisions for MPNs, and that my type is thought to be not at any higher risk.

ClaireyCS profile image

I got my letter in April dated 15th April. It told me to shield for 12 weeks from the date on the letter. This would take me to 8th July. When I queried this with my GP she said things will keep changing and to do as the letter states until further notice. People are still getting letters which makes me wonder if this length of time is going to keep extending!

Poppy6060 profile image

Hi it’s such a sham we can’t all get the same advice but I think we should all do what we think is best for ourselves I know I will be very nervous when I do get to go out and that’s not like me this virus has changed a lot of things for everyone keep safe and thanks for all your replies best wishes Poppy x

chrissie1959 profile image

Hi poppy, I had letter and text

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