I made sure it was Pfizer as Blood Cancer UK ‘s advice is that Pfizer is the full dose anyway whereas Moderna is only a booster with a half dose. I also asked the nurse injecting if it was the full dose and she said it was.
Could I ask those of you who have had their 3rd dose, did you receive a card with the vaccine name and Batch No. as we did with the first two Vacs? My husband and I didn’t receive any proof that we’ve had it but my brother-in-law who lives in Kent did receive such a card.
I booked us through the NHS by the way, as our GP ‘s are not doing anything about boosters at the moment anyway, they say. We had them at a Pharmacy which was not nearly so well organised as when the GPS arranged first and second at the local hospital. We had an appointment time but had to wait in a queue outside with about 6 in front and then one by one go inside where there were six occupied chairs and when one became vacant , all move round each time. Bizarre!! Nurse was in very small room too. I shouldn’t complain…. at least I managed to get it!
I would like to know if we should have card with details though. Regards to all, and good luck. Fran