Husband in hospital. : My husband in hospital at... - MPN Voice

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Husband in hospital.

Jean24 profile image
20 Replies

My husband in hospital at moment, he's been in there since Monday. He was really poorly over the weekend. I rang his specialist nurse and explained how he was, and how he been. She rang back within a hour, saying a doctor would see him straight away. So we went to haematology and was seen by the doctor and was admitted. His treatment was to be started straight away. This was started in the day unit. It took them 1 hour to place his cannula in. In the end they had to put it in his foot.he was like a pin cushion by the time they finish. First Antibiotics was started, then Liquid morphine for his pain. His temperature went up to 40.5. Liquid paracetamol was then given. He was admitted to the ward after 4pm. This is where I last saw my husband, we speak on the mobile 3-4 times a day. He became very confused. I realise with covid that we wouldn't be able to see him on the ward. Trying to get sence of what was wrong was hard. Took 4 days to be told he'd got pneumonia. He had his pneumonia jab 2 years ago, so if he didn't have his jab then how would he be now. He's been really poorly. He's temperature goes up really high. He's on a real concoctions of antibiotics. So his RUXOLITINIB meds have been reduced. His HB level really dropped but because he was so ill they couldn't give him a blood transfusion. Normally when he has blood transfusion they get it from blood bank here, in Birmingham. Instead on Thursday it had to be brought from I believe from Bristol. He could be hospital another week. Its so hard not seeing him, but I'm one of the lucky one he will return home. This as made me think what will the future be like. What will happen next when it progress which we know it is. He BMB showed his PMF is getting worse. Waiting to hear the outcome of his MRI of his Brain.

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Jean24 profile image
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20 Replies
hunter5582 profile image

That is a really tough go. You will both be in thoughts and prayers.

mother2britton profile image

Sorry to hear about your husband, hang in there my thoughts and prayers will be with you as well.

Chaz1 profile image

Sorry to hear this. As a partner I understand how hard it can be to have to care for your hubby & sometimes feel removed from it when having to trust the hospital with his care. Tge current situation doesn't help when they are confused & you can't get into see them or the doctors. Well done on getting him seen quickly so that he could start antibiotics. Remember we are here to support and listen when you need to vent. Unfortunately we don't know what the path ahead will look like for us, there doesn't seem to be a normal for us to know how it will pan out. I think that's what I find so hard, always having to keep watch for changes & to know when to respond. Hope hubby improves and gets home soon, snding hugs & support x

socrates_8 profile image

Hey Jean24...

That's all so very hard to deal w/ I am really feeling for you here 'Down Under' where we are constantly watching people who are continuing to live in the delusion that none of this 'CV–19' is happening to them... We humans are such a thick lot...

In any event, I wish you both the very best and hope & trust that he's in very good hands. I am also MF, and hope that I do not have to make the 'COVID-19' journey myself, ever at all... (fingers crossed)

By the way, Jean... I have found that doing everything that I can to reduce my levels of 'Inflammation' in my body's ecosystem, has really helped me,and I have seen a slight reduction in my Grade2 level of Fibrosis, down to Grade1...

I am now on a fairly strict 'Plant-based' diet, I do some daily 'Intermittent Fasting' and these days I have become a consistent cyclist... These things have all helped me and my Quality of Life (QoL), tremendously... It takes time, but there are many benefits too and it's well worth the effort, in my view... 8-)

Best wishes to you both Jean...


IrishHiker profile image

So sorry to hear about your husband falling ill. This can be frightening in And of itself but is even more so with you not being able to physically be there due to COVID precautions.

Thinking of the future can only bring more fear. It is easy for me to say (and hard for you to do) but try to focus on here and now. He is being well cared for and now is the time (if you can) for you to try to get some rest and recharge your batteries so you can continue to love and care for him when he returns home. I have been there ...believe me♥️

I will hold you BOTH in my thoughts and prayers.

Jazzyb50 profile image

So sorry to hear about your husband Jean. It must be extremely difficult for you not being able to be with him. Thinking of you both and I hope he improves soon. Take care.

Jane xx

jillydabrat profile image

Good heavens Jean, you and your poor husband are going through so much. Have they stated the cause of the infection? Has he been tested for Covid? You must be at your wits end with worry, especially not being able to see him. .you are both in my prayers and I hope things turn around soon. Take care xxx

Otterfield profile image

I am so sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through. I think it can be even harder for the partner of the person in hospital. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Jennie

Minu68 profile image

Jean, my thoughts are with you and with your husband. stay in the moment, we don't know what the future brings in normal times, and it can be very worrying to think ahead. Things are changing so fast, just focus on the day to day getting through it with your husband. best wishes x

Cassandra61 profile image

How terrible for you - so sorry to hear this - thinking of you and hoping for better days for you very very soon

Wyebird profile image

I wish him a speedy recovery. When he is well try and enjoy time together. Plan wat you want to d or see. ( Covid permitting) Covid restrictions are having a huge impact on my life let alone what you are dealing with.

Keep strong and above all keep safe.

lizzziep profile image

So sorry to hear this Jean, how very worrying for you, and not being able to visit is awful. Can't help except say you are both in my thoughts and send you a virtual hug. x

Dovme profile image

Sorry to hear. I went through similar with my partner several years ago! Wishing him a speedy recovery. What difficult times wishing you both better days

mhos61 profile image

Thoughts are with you and your husband Jean.

I empathise, my husband was in hospital last year for two weeks, stressful times. Much harder for people now though with the worries and restrictions in relation to Covid.

I hope he’s back with you soon. Xx

redumbrella profile image

Thinking about you both, hopefully your Husband gets home soon.


Hannah52 profile image

So sorry to hear about your husband. Different hospital’s have different restrictions. My sister died of cancer in hospital last week all her family and me were aloud to visit and even friends xxx

Cja1956 profile image

So sorry to hear that your husband is so ill. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a quick and complete recovery.

Heidi-W profile image

Really hope he starts to recover soon and you get to see him. So difficult in these current times not being able to see him. Thinking of you both

Mazcd profile image

dear Jean, so very sorry to hear this about your husband, I hope he gets better very soon, take care of yourself, sending lots of love and best wishes to you both, Maz x

elliebongo profile image

Hi Jean, sorry times are tough at the moment, but, sure your husband will get all the care he needs and hopefully soon be home with you. Take care

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