I have not registered for the MPN Awareness day in Austria. Would it be possible to gain access to Professor Harrison's presentation on ET after the event this evening? thank you.
I have not registered for the MPN Awareness day in Austria. Would it be possible to gain access to Professor Harrison's presentation on ET after the event this evening? thank you.
Yes I would also find the round the table good to have. Im registered but my registration has gone missing.
The link is still available on You Tube. Well worth watching right the way through (bear with the opening segments including the opera!). Interesting and diverse range of speakers, informative and offering new perspectives. Here is the link.
Watched the YouTube presentation yesterday evening. It was good. I might put a post up asking if anyone has notes on the discussion. Thank you!
I listened in to the discussion on PV with Prof Wolf. There was a lot of discussion about the relative merits of various iterations of Interferon and also a drug beginning with B (something like Bessema???) and availability in certain countries.
There was also a discussion about inflammation and fatigue and the role of drugs both in terms of alleviating fatigue and contributing to it.
A question was asked about why we still experience symptoms even though our bloods are ‘normal’. The answer was - essentially our bloods are never normal! Blood is still impacted by JAK2, the cells are not normal, there is still inflammation (and this might be in places other than the blood - for example, bone).
There was a question about diet and Prof highlighted a forthcoming paper looking at the metabolic effects of the JAK2 mutation. He talked about the relationship between sugars and inflammation and mentioned cancer patients wanted to ‘hunger out’ their cancer (by cutting out all sugars). But his bottom line was aim for a balanced diet - and be physically active. He was very keen on the physically active bit!
Sorry this is sketchy but hope it provides some food for thought and further research.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write this. I really appreciate it! It sounds like it was very interesting indeed. I had sent a couple of questions in for the round table too.
Well I registered, sent in questions, and then forgot it was on last night as it did not link to my Calendar... What a pain, I was looking forward to it. I will have to catch up on You Tube but very sorry to have missed the round table discussion. Thanks for the notes Ebot !
Austrian meeting with Dr. Wolf, was recorded? Where can I find it, please? Thanks
I don’t think the ‘round table’ element was recorded. It was in any event a relatively short discussion - 30 minutes. However, Prof Wolf also features in the recorded presentation and is definitely worth watching. The speakers in general address a wide variety of issues and perhaps cover ground that isn’t always highlighted in the UK seminars. Interesting to get other perspectives.