Is anyone else worried about stopping shielding? - MPN Voice

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Is anyone else worried about stopping shielding?

Jenny_F profile image
18 Replies

I am lucky enough to be able to work from home, and while I miss face to face contact with people I have a better work life balance and am finding I am more productive. Boris and co are urging us to get back to normal but I am worried about future waves and doing a four hour commute every day isn’t the most risk free approach to get to the office.

The scientists also seem to be way more cautious than the cabinet. Is anyone else going to continue shielding after July while keeping a keen eye on the stats and R rate?

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Jenny_F profile image
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18 Replies
Sksarj profile image

I certainly am Jenny. I think you are not on your own not wanting to go back into the workplace too soon. And as for a 4 hour commute, I bet you're not missing that one bit. Do what is best for you I say.

Timjonze profile image

If you can carry on being cautious then I would do so. I don’t trust this government - they are getting pressure from businesses and landlords and don’t have our best health interests at heart. The whole strategy is shambolic, talking of opening everything up when we regularly have 100+ deaths a day, and the chief scientists clearly don’t agree. I think sadly we all have to use our own judgement as the people in charge have let us down.

Ebot profile image

Fascinating isn’t it? On July 31st we’re coddled in our homes with our supermarket deliveries and socially distanced dog walks. Four months and counting. As directed.

And on August 1st we can jump on a commuter / tube train, join the shopping queues and grab a drink in our local. As directed.

Did I miss something?

Nope. I’m not in a rush to join the (possibly) masked rat race. Even at fifty per cent off a meal at Nando’s Monday to Wednesday.

socrates_8 profile image

Hey Jenny... :-)

I can only empathise from afar...

It is a dilemma is it not...? For in order to continue to have our serviceable health systems, (& in the event that this CV–19 places more people's lives in jeopardy & on ventilators and such...), our health and utility / essential services and many others... There must be money to pay for those services, of course...

Obviously, country's must also be acutely aware & endeavouring to find ways to keep their economies ticking over... Otherwise, there will not be any services, welfare or social safety nets... And the thoughts of that world for me are much darker ones indeed...

However, and on the other hand, it might be time to start lobbying our governments to keep more people working from their homes... (?) Seems like a no-brainer really...

There is little doubt that this catastrophe will act as the catalyst that it is, and eventually enable many changes that we are only now beginning to see, in my view...

Until there is a truly successful vaccine, this dilemma, 'Wicked Problem' I fear will only become exacerbated...

The real issues here for me are those ones around our 'Human Condition' and how we might achieve the adherence to health and safety protocols...

It is a tough problem, however, I like to believe that we will all eventually behave in the ways we need to in order to eradicate this, and other potential pandemics into the future...

Stay safe & well...



Ebot profile image
Ebot in reply to socrates_8

I think you’re beginning to see the effects of people being ‘let loose’ with Melbourne in lockdown again and Sydney threatening similar. Feel best to stand back and watch from the sidelines.

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Ebot

True... and as much as I might prefer to do just that, (view from the sidelines...), I am also my 84 yo mother's carer... Hence, I try to do those chores at times that might be slightly quieter to do so...

Masks have now become mandatory in Victoria, and w/ infection rates spiking in Sydney as we speak, we too might soon see staged lockdowns. Although it would be nice to be mistaken of course...

I went past an alfresco 80yo B'day party yesterday not far from our residence. While I was initially happy to see a level of normalcy, on the one hand, on the other 'the party' was most obviously not observing any safety protocols that I could see as I rode past... Now I will be listening more closely to local reports over the ensuing 2 weeks I guess...

In another report, a party of 60 were all fined approx. $90,000 in an outer western suburb house-party last evening...

As you say, spectating is a fascination of sorts...

In my own layperson's view... Masks should have been implemented much sooner...

However, human behaviour is quite astounding given our collective predicament...

Stay safe...


JediReject profile image

Hi Jenny (or ought it be Hi Gentlemen Jack ?) I see BJ is now putting the onus or responsibility back to employers to determine who if anyone in their organisation should or could be home working. . I didn't see the detail of the report but I guess many businesses would prefer their staff back at work whether vulnerable or not.

I hope you are able to continue working from home under the new arrangements as your commute alone isn't risk free as you say.

I have actually stopped shielding though it's not such a big deal as Im retired but I still feel a tad wary on the few occasions I venture out and we've not had our Grandchildren stopping over just yet.

I hope things work out for you.

Regards - Chris

Jenny_F profile image
Jenny_F in reply to JediReject

Ha yes I am very interested in the diaries of Anne Lister and Gentleman Jack was a great adaptation. I really feel for any of you that are under pressure to go back into workplaces that cannot guarantee your safety. I am hoping that the culture of prestenteeism will change for those of us that have proven that we can work just as well, if not better, from home

JackLina profile image

Hi Jenny. I am in the same position as you find yourself, although my commute is not the length of yours, thank goodness.

I am extremely concerned about going back into the 'masses', despite the fact that I'm assured by my employer that all protective measures have been met.

I am fully aware that the students I facilitate are better than most at shielding and will all be wearing masks etc. However, I also know that my place of work with NOT be going into each room after lectures of seminars to wipe down surfaces and seats. that is up to us we're told.


Dovme profile image
Dovme in reply to JackLina

Important to air rooms if possible

Can you not ask students to wipe before or after they sit -

What’s the local area or town infection rate in a week / may ease your mind as to likelihood of risk

Kdavie12 profile image

Hello Jenny, I am worried as my employer has asked to go back. She told me the office is Covid secure but I still feel it is safer to work from home. If she refuses to let me continue working from home, I am considering resigning.

Paul_1971 profile image
Paul_1971 in reply to Kdavie12


How familiar is your employer with your condition?

MPN's are blood cancers and as such are covered by the equality act. Your empployer must make reasonable adjustments and in my mind a reasonable adjustment is to continue working from home, provided you can fully do your job, during a pandemic.

I think a conversation along those lines if you need to may help, they may not be fully aware of the condtion you have?


Kdavie12 profile image
Kdavie12 in reply to Paul_1971

Thank you Paul, I am having a call tomorrow and will find out.

Take care

Jenny_F profile image
Jenny_F in reply to Kdavie12

I defo wouldnt resign as Paul is right we are automatically covered under the equality act and employers are duty bound to make adjustments for us

Swede profile image

I have been happily shielding since March. I have so much to do during the days so I don't really have missed going out...exept...we just bought a motorhome! Not been able to use it but maybe soon! We both worked in a dental practice and that might not be the best place to work in if the Covid lurks around. I am not rushing to get out and about at all but will slowly adjust to reality. Been sewing facemasks athome so can use them when I am going out in the big world.

Paul_1971 profile image


My view is that for those of us that can work from home employers should, provided you can reasonably do your job, allow us to continue to do so.

If you have a condition covered by the equality act then your employer should make reasonable adjustments and allowing you to work from home during a global pandemic seems to me, despite the lowering numbers, a good reasonable adjustment.

I think putting the onus in employers and using a common sense approach is the right way, afterall workplaces are different.

I know at ours we have premises where bringing in a good percentage of the employees could be done and maintaining good social distancing measures with it.

I for one wil be pushing however to maintain my working from home status for a good few months yet


LRH1977 profile image

Like you, I'm very nervous about my imminent return to work, but unlike you I don't work in an office. I'm a nurse and will be returning to the 'front line' albeit in a quiet community hospital. My boss has assured me that I'll be mainly doing office based tasks initially, but how long that can last for is anyone's guess, given our fluctuating staffing levels.

I feel duty bound to return, but am also looking at other job opportunities where I won't be so patient facing. It isn't what I went into healthcare for, but for my own safety and sanity I feel is a necessary thing to do.

It also just feels daunting that I'll be around other people indoors, although we'll all be wearing masks and gloves... Yikes.

I just wonder if we get a second wave of infection, will we all be told to shield again??

Jenny_F profile image
Jenny_F in reply to LRH1977

Very brave of you and at least you are taking precautions at work. Boris said the lockdowns will be ‘whack a mole’ so different places may go into Lockdown based on the R rate and cases there. There is bound to be further waves until either there is herd immunity, which hasn't happened for other diseases, or a vaccine, which also has only been successful in eradicating smallpox completely

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