Hello. Having shielded for over three months now and cooked everything from scratch , Iwonder what the advice is regarding having a take away for a change / treat. Is it advisable or is it too risky. I would welcome people’s views or knowing whether there is any clear guidance anywhere. Thank you.
Take Aways and Covid 19 risk: Hello. Having... - MPN Voice
Take Aways and Covid 19 risk

Hi, we cook most from scratch normally but yesterday we had a take away. Mainly as we had run out of two ingredients I needed! Italien salmon we ordered and they were good, stayed away and we paid online. Was a treat. Well,it is said that food it not a risk so...go for it! Enjoy!
I think it's reckoned that over 60 degrees will do for the virus so provided it's nice and hot you shouldn't have a problem.
I've got to add that the vindaloo from my local restaurant could kill a charging rhino at 50 paces.......
Hi Joe
I have had my Friday curry treat throughout lockdown/shielding. Once I’ve plated the food I dispose of all the cartons and give The surfaces and my hands a good wash. Enjoy
I know where you’re coming from! Aside from occasional Sunday treat deliveries from the nice bakery it’s all been home cooked too in our house for the past three months (joy!).
However, there’s little evidence to suggest food can transmit the virus. The issue is around the packaging (same as with shopping - and the bakery - deliveries).
If you’re ordering from a reputable kitchen that you trust not to give you food poisoning in the first place then hygiene issues should not be a problem. The best advice seems to be wash hands, tips food into bowls / plates. Throw away packaging. Wash hands. Enjoy! Bon appetit!
We've tried to support small and local businesses throughout lockdown and use this as a way to treat ourselves also. Each of the restaurants are ones that we know and have used before with 5 star hygiene ratings. Our favourite Italian restaurant has delivered dough, sauce & topping kits to make our own pizzas or pastas at home which our 9yo has loved. Our trusted Chinese takeaway has been great and we also tried a click & collect Wagamama meal on Fri, which my husband said was amazingly well organised for hygiene and social distancing.
I hope you can find some places local to you that offer good food and reassuring hygiene/ social distancing delivery etc as it makes life a little nicer!!
I used to work in the local environmental health department, dealing with takeaways was a large part of the job, some looked good at front of house but the kitchens were dreadful. That went for every type - of course there are a lot that are very clean too.

We have a sourdough pizza place up the road where everything is prepared and cooked in front of you.
Delivering dough sounds great because the fillings can be bit sparse sometimes from Base Pizza. £12.95 for a pizza with filling in the middle only is a bit of a con, we have to top them up which defeats the object a bit!
I’m looking forward to our favourite eatery opening again - the punchbowl at Crosthwaite. The local Chinese which my husband will eat very occasionally I think is horrible. Full of the most awful gloop. And he complains he doesn’t sleep! Not surprising really. Give me a decent plate of good home cooked veg anytime.
Thank you for all your replies. There are several trusted options for us and plating up , disposing of packaging and washing hands , disinfecting surfaces sounds like the way forward. We have been having bread from a local bakery which a friend kindly collects for us , so I suppose it seems reasonable and not too risky to have a take-away treat soon!
We have had takeaways/deliveries over the last couple of month and just make sure we wipe down the packaging and wash hands after putting on plates etc. Think evidence shows very little risk of transmission through food especially if you are having hot food - I treated the kids to a drive thru macdonalds on Friday and was a bit wary but paid through the app and when got to picking up everyone in gloves/masks and then saw them sanitising for the next customer so would also be very happy to do something like that again also. I am assessing everything I do at the moment and think you need these little treats to keep going - its tough for all of us shielding at the moment! Take care Becky
I have been having a takeaway Indian or Chinese throughout but just made sure that all the packaging was disposed of and hands washed before eating. Bon appetit!
Thank you. I’m building up courage to do it . My husband is extremely high risk with Myelofibrosis and I want to protect him as much as possible and therefore shielding with him. However, feel a little treat would do us both good !