I’m not sure if it’s ok to get my hair dyed. Does anyone do this whilst taking Hydroxycarbamide and have you had side effects please?
Can I ask my hairdresser to dye my hair if I tak... - MPN Voice
Can I ask my hairdresser to dye my hair if I take Hydroxycarbamide? I have had Polycythaemia Vera for 2 years.

Hi SusiePlums, yes you can as long as your hairdresser does a patch test first. Just to let you know, I have been on Hydroxy for many years now and my hair is 5 different shades of blue, so I have to bleach it first and then dye it, I do this about every 10 weeks, with no problems. Maz
My hairdresser said that my hair took the due quicker when I wa on HU. So you may want to say to your hairdresser l. Deffo get patch test
I have ET and have been taking HU for about 16 months. I have full highlights every three months and no problems at all. Just went yesterday in fact. If I couldn’t do that I’d be looking for another medication! Just kidding. Maybe. 😉
Thank you. I should have asked the question earlier!! I’ll have a patch test and book an appointment asap 😊
Hi Susie, I have been on Hydroxy for years and dying my hair for longer than that. I would recommend a good quality conditioner after each wash though and even an occasional hair mask. Just ask max about hair dying lol, she does the most lush colours x
Can I dye my hair was one of the first questions I asked when I went on hydroxy! Thank goodness the answer is yes. I always have a patch test done - every time - just in case they have changed the recipe. I've had my hair many different colours since being on hydroxy (except grey!) Enjoy your hairdressers appointment.
Hi susiePlums....I have colour in my hair, ( well it’s fading down desperate for hairdressers ) I have pink, blue and purple stripe 😁 I used to be on Hydroxycarbomide but now on interferon...