Am I entitled to this? I have been paying for prescriptions for years now and it would really help.
Hi, I have had ET for six years now since I was ... - MPN Voice
Hi, I have had ET for six years now since I was 39. I have asked my doctor if I can have a medical exemption card years ago with no luck.

Had the same problem with my doctor would not sign the form until he got a confirmed diagnosis from haematologist. Its such a weight lifted when you don't have to worry about being able to afford the drugs you need. If you go to MPD web site they have a form there that you can print off and give to your GP which shows that MPD's are classed as cancer so you should be entitled to free precriptions.
Stay well.
Thank you very much for your reply. I did have a diagnosis but still didn't help. Will have to try again.
Hi my GP signed the form
for fee percripsions, when I was on hyrua!but been off this drug a few years now but am still able to have free percripsions untill 2014 july!
There doesn't seem to be any consistency. I am on Hydrea and anagralide. Just put another request for exemption in today after finding this site. I suffer from bad ulcers and cold sores and always need perscriptions so I have my fingers crossed that they will sign it off.
Hi my GP signed the form for free prescriptions just recently, it was my first attempt as I didn't realise I was entitled. I have ET for seven years now and been on Hydrea for all of them. I also suffer with sore mouth and need prescriptions, so exemption from charges big help. Good luck.
Hi, there is no question about this. If you have an MPN you are entitled to free prescriptions regardless of what drugs, if any, you take. Print off the information on the MPD Voice website and take it to your GP. Your haematologist would also sign the form for you. This is yet another example of where we know more about our condition than the GP.
Good luck x
It's only recently that ET became reclassified and now counts. So if a GP said no a few years ago then you should try again now. My husband now gets free prescriptions and he has ET. I don't think what drug you are on matters, but I could be wrong!
Hi, I have ET and I have been given medical exemption. The form was completed by my hospital consultant. Ask again. Good luck.
Likewise, my doctor signed the exemption form and I now get free subscriptions. Maybe your doctor is not aware that ET has been reclassified.
my gp said no but the hospital sign the form
My haematologist told me I was entitled to free prescriptions due to having ET - then she realised I was over 60 so got free prescriptions anyway - one of the very few advantages of getting older!

I can confirm that providing you are receiving medication for your MPD you are entitled to have an exemption certificate, you will need to tick the box on the FP92A that says 'I am undergoing treatment for cancer', this is because the World Health Organization reclassified MPDs as MPNs (myeloproliferative neoplasms). If your GP won't sign the form you can ask your haematologist, if you have any problems please let me know. Maz
my doctor (the haematologist)signed as soon as I asked. No questions, nothing. She did sort of...mumble......something...hmhmhm...that unless YOU know that you are allowed..they won't tell you is costs...(She is really good my doc!and I mean that)
Hope you get it sorted!
Hi Tjaygrant,
I am sorry you have a doctor who does not update as required by the GMC. I printed out a copy of the new guidelines for my haematologist.
The form also says you are entitled to free prescriptions if you have any medications for the side effects of cancer drugs. I had Gaviscon for the heartburn when I started in Hydroxy, which meant I fitted into that section of the guidelines for free prescriptions.
Complain and document that the doctor's incorrect refusal has cost you money.
Best wishes,
Thank you all for your replies. I feel armed and ready for battle now. I will have to see what happens but it would help me so much as I have had to reduce my working hours.
Yes, take the info to doctors. If he/she refuses to sign, ask to see the practice manager. I started on hydroxy about a year ago, filled in the form, took it to the doctors but the receptionist pointed out I already qualified on age grounds - I was 60 and didn't have to pay for any prescriptions. I was completely unaware of this. It wouldnt surprise me if there are some people over 60 still paying because the doctor and pharmacist doesnt check date of birth. Maybe useful to others on the list if not Tjaygrant.