I have MF and for the past week have had severe ... - MPN Voice
I have MF and for the past week have had severe pain under my left ribs and back but only when I cough. Anyone else had this?

I am not a doctor, but it could be that your spleen is swollen. You need to get it checked. It is a common thing to happen in PV which I had for 27 years and now I have MF.

Hi Telvis, our advice is that you see your GP as soon as you can about this pain under your ribs.
Hello , Totally agree .. The pain could be unrelated to your MF so please see your GP.
Hi, does rather sound like a spleen problem. As recommended, you need to see your doctor as there are treatments available. The sooner the better!
See your doctor! GP will do, so long as he/she examines your chest. You may need an x-ray.
My husband was the same....pain left side thro to back and docs eventually discovered enlarged spleen and clots so u should def get it checked out.
You have received the correct advice. See your doctor and get an ultra sound of your spleen.
As everyone has advised its maybe the spleen enlarged but my rib pain is through the bone marrow now being made in the ribs
Thank you all. Have now seen GP and arranged for ultra sound of spleen. Hey ho !

you are welcome, I hope it all goes ok for you.