Has my post posted . Because I really need an answer
I had a pneumonia vaccination today and have had... - MPN Voice
I had a pneumonia vaccination today and have had awful chills and a high temp. Is this normal and can I take paracetamol. I’ve already taken

Hi Juliet46, yes your post has posted. I'm not qualified to answer your medical question but I've never heard of any problem with Paracetamol for us as long as we don't exceed the advised dose on the packet. You could ask a pharmacist, they are really knowledgeable. If you are feeling really unwell and can't wait you could phone NHS 111 if you're in the UK. Hope you feel better soon.
I had terrible chills and fever after the pneumonia vaccine 10 years ago but it didn't start until 24 hours after I'd had it. Took paracetamol which helped and it disappeared after about 12 hours. My husband who had it at same time had no reaction. However as Otterfield suggested maybe you should check with NHS111 to be on the safe side and get medical reassurance.
Hope you soon feel better. I was told not to have this vaccination as I have JAK2positive ET and on Hydroxycarbamide and Aspirin. Have had flu jab and my arm reacted quite badly but otherwise ok. Good luck
Thank you for replying ! My temperature has gone down this morning but still feel pretty rubbish !
Hello Juliet 46 ... I had pneumonia vaccine a while back ... had no reaction at all ..which amazed me as I usually react to most things ...as we( mpn people)are a sensitive bunch ... because of our condition ...But I I do remember Nurse telling me if I felt unwell to take paracetamol ... up to six a day if needed ..hope this helps ... Lainie x
Hi Juliet.I had flu & pneumonia vac last year,nasty swollen arm which needed anti biotics but felt normal,well normal for P V!This year tho ,had flu vac as normal each year,within 24 hrs was really unwell,totally off my legs,didn't tell my GP didn't want to be hospitalised .....after a week started to get back to as normal as is poss for us.You are not alone with odd reactions considering the Meds most of us take every day.Best to you.