Hi, I'm ET JAK 2 and on Hydroxycarbamide (500/1000 alternate days). I've recently experienced some random episodes of light headiness and wondered if anyone else has experienced the same. Kind regards Ian
Light Headed: Hi, I'm ET JAK 2 and on... - MPN Voice
Light Headed

Usually happens to me if I don't drink enough water. I try to get 2 liters in every day. Hope this helps
Hi, I have PV JAK2 and often become light headed and vertigo. Had it pre dignoses but was much worse then. It comes and goes with or without raised blood counts but seems a little worse when platelets go higher or if a little dehydrated I've just learnt to live with it.
Hi there, I often get moments of dizziness, even sitting up then laying down causes dizziness. Getting up to quickly or turning to quickly does it every time. I have just put it down to part of my illness so I will be interested to hear what your haematologist says. Good luck
HI Trueblue, I have et jak2 and I take 1000 Hydroxycarbamide a day. When my platelets are high I notice dizziness more, however I do experience light heaviness. Sometimes I can be walking along and find myself veering off to the right or left. Hope this helps
Happens to me, sometimes I'm just a little fatigued. Have checked my BP and Gluose levels and they are ok. Not sure why it happens but it does.
Hi, I have PV and this symptom comes and goes all the time. I'm not sure what causes it. I can be scarry but I think I've just become used to it. Had many test and nothing found. Hope you feel better soon x
Hi there.Just saw this .yes -I get this intermittently too . .have tried to work out when and why but can't . I too have raised my hydration and think it helps. (ET /MPL mutation ) Reassuring to hear it's probably just par for the course .Hope that helps 😊